Other files in this directory include interviews with adventure game authors and the occasional completely inappropriate file.
Collections of walkthroughs for Apple II adventures are located in the Apple Directory.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
INFOCOM | Files About Infocom, the Greatest Adventure Makers Ever | |
221baker.txt | 18552 | WALKTHROUGH: 221B Baker Street |
221bakerst.txt | 18998 | SOFTDOCS: 221b Baker Street |
2400ad.txt | 13038 | Walkthrough for 2400 A.D. Version 1.0 by Andrew Schultz (2000) |
2400adfaq.txt | 42472 | The 2400 A.D. FAQ by Andrew Schultz (2000) |
aaow.sol | 2482 | SOLUTION: The Ancient Art of War, by Zan of Gamer's Forum |
aas.faq | 20488 | Adventure Authoring Systems FAQ, 31 Aug 1994 |
abyssal.txt | 1991 | WALKTHROUGH: The Abyssal Zone |
accoladecomics.txt | 2253 | SOLUTION: Accolade Comics, by Martin Brunner (2001) |
adventhint.txt | 47141 | A Collection of Adventuring Hints for Various Games by Jeff Hurlbut (1998) |
adventur.txt | 7758 | Solving Crowther and Woods' Adventure, by The Rom Raider and Dr. Digital |
adventure.txt | 3385 | WALKTHROUGH: The Original Colossal Cave |
adventureland.txt | 1527 | WALKTHROUGH: Scott Adams' Adventureland, by The Gunslinger |
adventureland2.txt | 1336 | WALKTHROUGH: Adventureland from Scott Adams |
advland.adv | 1623 | Walkthrough solution for Adventureland |
advquest.txt | 4819 | SOLUTION: Adventure Quest - Jewels of Darkness Part 2 (Level 9), by Jacob Gunness (December 27, 1990) |
aencounter.txt | 1652 | WALKTHROUGH: The Alpine Encounter |
aitd2rev | 38610 | Walkthrough of Alone in the Dark 2 by Doctor Insanity of Pentagram |
aiw.sol | 14439 | WALKTHROUGH: Alice in Wonderland |
al_dark.nfo | 13265 | Russian Translation of Walkthrough of Alone in the Dark |
aland.txt | 1625 | WALKTHROUGH: Scott Adams' "Adventureland", by The Gunslinger |
aland2.txt | 1327 | WALKTHROUGH: Scott Adams' Adventureland |
alondark.sol | 30506 | Alone in the Dark Walkthrough v1.01 by David R. Downs |
alone2.sol | 17531 | Alone in the Dark 2 Solution by Hewitt of Dominators |
altered.sol | 31781 | SOLUTION: Altered Destiny |
amforever.txt | 7047 | WALKTHROUGH: A Mind Forever Voyaging, by Infocom |
amfv.txt | 32246 | Invisiclues: The Hint Booklet for A Mind Forever Voyaging |
amnesia.sol | 9232 | SOLUTION: Amnesia (1986) |
ampasswords.txt | 2135 | SOFTDOCS: Alien Mind Passwords |
aod.txt | 1036 | WALKTHROUGH: Arrow of Death 1, Mysterious Adventure 3 |
aquest.txt | 8668 | WALKTHROUGH: Adventure Quest (Level 9) |
archipel.txt | 15060 | SOLUTION: Archipelagios |
arkwalk.txt | 6218 | WALKTHROUGH: The Lost Ark of the Covenant by The Sheik (1985) |
atalan.sol | 2124 | WALKTHROUGH: Atalan (Atlas), by Jacob Gunness (March 15, 1990) |
authorsh | 85122 | Whizzard's Guide to Text Adventure Authorship v1.0 by Kevin Wilson |
aztectomb.sol | 1003 | WALKTHROUGH: Aztec Tomb |
aztectomb.txt | 1034 | WALKTHROUGH: Aztec Tomb Alligata |
ballyhoo.sol | 4355 | WALKTHROUGH: Ballyhoo, by Infocom |
ballyhoo.txt | 4386 | WALKTHROUGH: Ballyhoo, from Infocom |
bardsolv.txt | 12444 | Solution to The Bard's Tale |
bardstale.sol | 14677 | WALKTHROUGH: The Bard's Tale Full Solution, by John R. Barnsley |
bardstale.txt | 14709 | WALKTHROUGH: The Bard's Tale I by John R. Barnsley |
bardstale3.sol | 78311 | WALKTHROUGH: Bard's Tale 3: Thief of Fate (June 30, 1988) |
bardtal2 | 41421 | The Bard's Tale II Walkthrough/Solution |
bastard.sol | 1941 | SOLUTION: How to Be a Complete Bastard, Solution by Vaxalon (1994) |
battech.sol | 12774 | SOLUTION: BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Revenge |
beyondzork.txt | 22425 | WALKTHROUGH: Beyond Zork, from Infocom |
blackca.sol | 3239 | The Solution to Black Cauldron |
blood.sol | 14241 | SOLUTION: Bad Blood, by Origin Systems |
bond.sol | 26037 | SOLUTION: James Bomd: The Stealth Affair |
borderzone.txt | 4019 | WALKTHROUGH: The Border Zone, from Infocom |
borrowt.sol | 1103 | Solution to Borrowed Time |
brebynj.txt | 6739 | How to Win BRE by Joe Vindunas |
brimstone.txt | 2636 | WALKTHROUGH: Brimstone, from Synapse/Broderbund |
bt1solv.txt | 17790 | Solution to the Bards Tale Part I |
bt2maps.txt | 8869 | Bards Tale II City Maps by King Lear (The Tavern) |
bt_doc.txt | 1060 | Solution to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure |
bttf.sol | 2338 | WALKTHROUGH: Back to the Future, by Martin Fernandez |
buck.sol | 21539 | SOLUTION: Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday |
bureau.sol | 25800 | SOLUTION: Bureaucracy, by Infocom (1987) |
bureaucracy.txt | 7393 | WALKTHROUGH: Bureaucracy, from Infocom |
bz1.wt | 10880 | SOLUTION: Beyond Zork |
bz2.wt | 9344 | SOLUTION: Beyond Zork (Part II) |
bz3.wt | 10368 | SOLUTION: Beyond Zork (Part III) |
bz4.wt | 7936 | SOLUTION: Beyond Zork (Part IV) |
ca-tsa.adv | 150240 | Computer Adventures, the Secret Art, by Gil Williamson August 1994 |
cadaver.txt | 5583 | Walkthough and Solution to Cadaver, by USA-DOX |
camelot.sol | 41581 | SOLUTION: Conquests of Camelot |
cauldron | 16641 | The Black Cauldron Solution by Major Havok |
cauldron.txt | 17360 | The Solution to Black Cauldron by Major Havok |
cblood.txt | 18395 | Explicit Walk-Through of the Game Captain Blood |
cbsolve.txt | 24138 | Walk Through for the Colonel's Bequest by Lord Sterling and Avatar |
ccamelot.txt | 17575 | Hints for Conquests of Camelot by Sierra |
cdown.sol | 7707 | Walkthrough for Countdown, by Some Guy in Finland |
chamber.sol | 14473 | SOLUTION: Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess Part 1 |
chamscip.txt | 17412 | Walkthrough for the Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess |
chrono | 3721 | The Solution to Chrono Quest |
chrono.sol | 24837 | SOLUTION: Chrono-Quest |
circedge.txt | 30456 | Walkthrough for Circuits Edge Part 1 |
circuit.sol | 26860 | SOLUTION: Circuit's Edge |
circus.txt | 1319 | WALKTHROUGH: Circus Mysterious Adventure 6 |
civhints.txt | 39674 | 175 Tips, Hints, and Tools for Ruling Your Civilization |
cn-iman.sol | 12216 | Codename: ICEMAN Solution by by Golden One & Hill Billy (March 18, 1990) |
cntdnsol | 8191 | Solution to Countdown by Roman |
codeeman | 15498 | Solution to CodeName: ICEMAN |
colonel.txt | 31552 | Walkthrough for Sierra's Colonel's Bequest |
colony.sol | 58679 | SOLUTION; The Colony |
colorofmagic.sol | 3249 | SOLUTION: Discworld's Colour of Magic Adventure, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
colossal.sol | 8860 | SOLUTION: Colossal Adventure, Part One of the Jewels of Darkness Trilogy |
comic.sol | 7594 | The Solution to "Captain Comic" [?] |
conqsolv.txt | 35104 | Conquest of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood (Solution) |
conquest.opl | 15990 | Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail by Christy Marx (Solution, April 15, 1990) |
count.sol | 3085 | SOLUTION: The Count, by Scott Adams |
countdwn.sol | 29767 | SOLUTION: Countdown |
cptblood.sol | 36453 | SOLUTION: Captain Blood |
cracks_of_file.sol | 1121 | SOLUTION: Cracks of Fire, by Supersoft |
cranston.adv | 5251 | Solution to Cranston Manor |
crime_time.sol | 9179 | SOLUTION: Crime Time Walthrough |
crowley.adv | 3539 | Solution to The Curse of Crowley's Manor |
curse.sol | 10550 | VERTEX: Solution to the game Curse of Echantia |
cutthroats.sol | 6564 | SOLUTION: Cutthroats, by Infocom, from Green Manalishi, Brought to you by the Unknown Hacker |
cyborg.sol | 14537 | SOLUTION: Cyborg |
d-dgsolv.txt | 18825 | Death Gate Full Solve by Vulcan and Bucky / DREAD |
dallasquest.sol | 4034 | SOLUTION: Dallas Quest |
danceofvampires.sol | 9125 | SOLUTION: Dance of the Vampires, from Martyn Westwood, by Dorothy Millard |
dandare.sol | 2957 | SOLUTION: Dan Dare |
dantesinferno.sol | 2661 | SOLUTION: Dante's Inferno, by Marco Vallarino |
dark.txt | 15972 | Alone in the Dark Walkthrough version 1.0 by Fredric Lonngren |
darkhart.sol | 45783 | SOLUTION: The Dark Heart of Uukrul |
darklod.sol | 7060 | SOLUTION: Dark Lord by Kyle Freeman of Datasoft, Walthrough by Dorothy Millard |
darklordsolve.txt | 3469 | Walkthrough for Dark Lord by Green Hornet (October 19, 1987) |
darkseed | 3562 | Solution to Dark Seed |
darksolv.txt | 5846 | Alone in the Dark Walkthrough |
darthvader.sol | 706 | WALKTHROUGH: Darth Vader |
deadline.sol | 6535 | SOLUTION: Deadline, by Infocom |
dejasolv.txt | 7595 | How to Solve Deja Vu: A Nightmare Come True for the Macintosh, by the Paladin |
dejavu.txt | 8240 | Solution to Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas by the Necromancer and the Mind Bender |
dejavu1.sol | 8472 | SOLUTION: Deja Vu |
dejavu2.sol | 15993 | SOLUTION: Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas |
demons_winter.sol | 61359 | WALKTHROUGH: Demon's Winter from SSI |
desrtwlk.txt | 22557 | It Came From the Desert Walkthrough |
destiny.txt | 5579 | WALKTHROUGH: Destiny, by The Dragon Lord of the Digital Gang |
detectivegame.sol | 3553 | SOLUTION: The Detective Game, by Argus Press Software: Solution by Alessandro Defendi |
discwrld.wlk | 12964 | Walkthrough for Discworld by Psygnosis |
ditkafix.nfo | 1105 | SOLUTION: Mike Ditka's Ultimate Football |
dizzy.sol | 1544 | SOLUTION: Dizzy |
dizzyprince.sol | 1514 | SOLUTION: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk, by Codemasters |
dkok.sol | 86847 | SOLUTION: Death Knights of Krynn |
dlux.txt | 1340 | SOLUTION: DOOGER: Top Crack |
dracula.sol | 3829 | SOLUTION: Dracula Solution, by Jacob Gunness (February 8, 1990) |
drag_sph.sol | 14210 | Russian Solution for Dragonphire |
dragla.sol | 1643 | How to Win at the NYCCrack of Dragon's Lair |
dragonskulle.sol | 8438 | SOLUTION: Dragonskulle, by Leandro Ferreras |
dragonw.sol | 60736 | Dragon Wars by Interplay Solution, from Jeanne Wyvern Harlan-Marriott (September 18, 1990) |
dragonworld.sol | 3829 | SOLUTION: Dragonworld, by The Clone Kids |
dragworld.txt | 3859 | WALKTHROUGH: Dragonworld, by The Clone Kids |
drakkhen.sol | 20983 | SOLUTION: Drakkhen |
dreamzone.txt | 3112 | WALKTHROUGH: Dead Zone, from Baudville Software |
ds2cheat.txt | 3276 | Cheat Codes for the Darksun II Game by Valiance of GLORY/NWO/REG/PRIME |
ducktale.sol | 981 | Extremely Short Solution to Duck Tales |
dungeon.txt | 31081 | Dungeon Master: A Complete Solution by Gordon Longley |
dungeonadventure.sol | 7357 | SOLUTION: Dungeon Adventure: Jewels of Darkness Part 3 (Level 9) |
dungma.sol | 40772 | Dungeon Master Solved by Rom Chip of Oracle |
dutchmansgold.txt | 707 | SOLUTION: Dutchman's Gold |
earthquake.sol | 2894 | SOLUTION: Earthquake Solve File, by Copy/Cat of the Hi-Rez Hijackers and Demuffin Man |
earthquake.txt | 2924 | WALKTHROUGH: Earthquake, by Copy/Cat of HI-Rez Hijackers |
earthris.txt | 3086 | Location of items in Adventure Game "Earthrise" |
eco.txt | 21899 | Hints and Walkthroughs for the came "EcoQuest" |
eco1solv.txt | 8548 | Solution to EcoQuest I by Volume (March 2, 1992) |
eco2solv.txt | 31763 | Solution to EcoQuest 2 from the Sierra BBS, by Patch (March 4, 1993) |
eco_qus2.sol | 38514 | Eco Quest's Lost Secret of Rain Forest Solution (In Russian) |
ecoqu1.sol | 8347 | EcoQuest: The Search for Cetus Solution |
ecstatic.slv | 9211 | Solution to Ecstatica by Padishar Creel |
ecstatic.txt | 9378 | Transcription of Ecstatica Documentation Booklet by Padishar Creel |
ecstwalk.txt | 8611 | Ecstatica Walkthrough by MuggZ |
elite | 2501 | A Few Hints and Tips for ELITE by the Flash Team |
elvdunge.txt | 1403 | Text Map of Elvira Mistress of the Dark Dungeon |
elvenemy.txt | 1432 | Elvira, Mistress of the Dark Enemy Characteristics (October 16, 1991) |
elvira.sol | 7208 | Solution to Elvira - Mistress of the Dark |
elvira1.sol | 7206 | SOLUTION: Elvira, Mistress of the Dark |
elvira2.sol | 12719 | SOLUTION: Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerebus |
elvira2.txt | 19858 | Walkthrough for Elvira II: The Jaws of Cerberus |
elvira_2 | 12944 | Solution to Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerebus |
elvirasp.txt | 19226 | Spells for Elvira: Mistress of the Dark |
elvmaze.txt | 1122 | Map of the Maze from Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (October 16, 1991) by GCH, Vilnius, and Lithuania |
elvspell.txt | 6476 | Spells and Ingredients for Elvira: Mistress of the Dark by GCH, Vilnius, Lithuania (October 16, 1991) |
emerald_isle.sol | 8019 | SOLUTION: Emerald Isle |
empireofkarn.sol | 2697 | SOLUTION: The Empire of Karn, by Jacob Gunness (June 8, 1989) |
epic.txt | 53165 | Documentation for EPiC by Cyrix of Doc Writers Inc. |
eriksol.sol | 5920 | SOLUTION: Erik the Viking |
eureka.sol | 7062 | SOLUTION: Eureka! from Domark |
eureka.tip | 2644 | SOLUTION: Eureka! Walkthrough |
eureka.txt | 818 | WALKTHROUGH: Prehistoric Man Eureka 1 |
expeiditionamazon.txt | 2670 | WALKTHROUGH: Amazon |
fahrenheit451.sol | 2696 | SOLUTION: Fahrenheit 451 |
fairlight.sol | 4673 | SOLUTION: Fairlight: A Prelude, by Bo Jangeborg for The Edge (1985) |
farmersdaughter.sol | 1157 | SOLUTION: Farmer's Daughter (October 23, 2001) |
feasibility.sol | 1861 | SOLUTION: Feasibility Experiment: Mysterious Adventure 7 |
ferret.adv | 2650 | The Adventures of Terror Ferret |
fgth.tip.txt | 2117 | SOLUTION: Frankie Goes to Hollywood by Vaxalon (1994) |
finderskeepers.sol | 14110 | SOLUTION: Finders Keepers Solution by Zub |
fish.sol | 18616 | SOLUTION: Fish! By Rainbird/Magentic Scrolls |
fish.txt | 18647 | WALKTHROUGH: Fish! From Rainbird/Magnetic Scrolls |
flunky.sol | 6402 | SOLUTION: Flunky, by Don Priestley and Vampiro |
frankenstein.sol | 4088 | SOLUTION: Frankenstein Solution, by Jacob Gunness (March 20, 1990) |
future.txt | 16017 | Walkthrough for Future Wars, by Marci Rogers |
futurwar.txt | 20001 | Future Wars: An Overview of the Compuserve Game |
garfield.sol | 1362 | SOLUTION: Garfield |
gateway.sol | 2413 | SOLUTION: Gateway, by Pryority |
gateway.txt | 2444 | WALKTHROUGH: Gateway, by Pryority |
ghosttown.sol | 2309 | SOLUTION: Scott Adams Adventure #9: Ghost Town, by Demuffin Man and Copy/Cat of the Ware Lords and HH |
goblins2.txt | 13846 | Walkthrough for GOBLINS 2 |
goldenbaton.sol | 953 | SOLUTION: Golden Baton: Mysterious Adventure 1 |
grail.txt | 22785 | Walkthrough for The Holy Grail, by Alexis Bryushinin |
greatescape.sol | 4733 | SOLUTION: The Great Escape, Solution by Jaromir Król |
gruds.txt | 7716 | SOLUTION: Gruds in Space |
guildofthieves.txt | 13011 | SOLUTION: The Guild of Thieves by Magnetic Scrolls/Rainbird |
hacker2.txt | 3318 | SOLUTION: Hacker 2 |
hackersolution.txt | 2593 | SOLUTION: Hacker, from Activision: A 100 Percent Solution by Jaromir Krol - "Jerry King" |
hampstead.sol | 2568 | SOLUTION: Hampstead, by Melbourne House Software, by Jacob Gunness (March 21, 1990) |
hellsend.sol | 6600 | SOLUTION: Hell's End, by D. Jones (Daz), Walkthrough by Dorothy Millard |
herbertsdummy.txt | 4934 | SOLUTION: Herbert's Dummy Run by Mikro-Gen (1985) |
heroesofkarn.txt | 4658 | WALKTHROUGH: Heroes of Karn |
heroqst1.txt | 18967 | Walkthrough for Hero's Quest Part 1 |
heroqust.txt | 14080 | Solution to Hero's Quest by White Knight (April 15, 1990) |
hhijinx.txt | 9830 | WALKTHROUGH: Hollywood Hi-Jinx, From Infocom |
hitchikers.sol | 4890 | WALKTHROUGH: Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy by The Djin and The Ice Queen |
hobbit.sol | 1109 | SOLUTION: The Hobbit, by Melbourne House |
hobbit.txt | 1140 | WALKTHROUGH: The Hobbit, from Melbourne House |
hollywoodhijinx.sol | 9799 | SOLUTION: Hollywood Hi-Jinx, by Infocom |
hqsolve.txt | 11604 | Hero's Quest Solution by Hill Billy and Golden One |
hquest.txt | 3101 | Hero's Question I and Quest for Glory Hero's Question II Debug Codes and Debug Command Keys |
ht01.txt | 3321 | Hints and Tips for Games (Amiga) by Renegade of RAF |
ht02.txt | 6574 | and Tips for Games (Amiga) by Renegade of RAFHints and Tips for Games (Amiga) by Renegade of RAF #2 |
hugo1.sol | 2975 | Solution to Hugo's House of Horrors Volume 1.2 |
hugo2.sol | 7111 | Walkthrough for Hugo's House of Horrors 2: Whodunit? |
hugo3.sol | 4083 | Solution to Hugo's House of Horrors Volume 3: Jungle of Doom |
hunchback.sol | 1851 | SOLUTION: Hunchback the Adventure, by Ocean, by Jacob Gunness (February, 1990) |
iceman.sol | 18096 | Codename: ICEMAN: Paragraphs, by Golden One & Hill Billy (March 18, 1990) |
iceman.txt | 14777 | A Walkthrough for Codename: ICEMAN |
icftd.txt | 22179 | Walkthrough for It Came From the Desert |
imagination.sol | 1591 | SOLUTION: Imagination, by Vaxalon (1994) |
impossiblemis.sol | 21713 | SOLUTION: Impossible Mission |
impossiblemission2.sol | 6287 | WALKTHROUGH: Impossible Mission II by Jaromir Krol - "Jerry King" |
incrediblehulk.sol | 2311 | SOLUTION: The Incredible Hulk, by The Unknown hacker of 202 Alliance, with Thanks to Bets C. and Demuffin Man |
indjones.txt | 19623 | Some Hints for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade |
indy3hnt.txt | 11099 | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Hints by King Arthur and Night Crawler |
infidel.sol | 4752 | SOLUTION: Infidel, by Infocom |
ingridsback.sol | 7014 | WALKTHROUGH: Ingrid's Back! Gnome Ranger II |
institute.sol | 5685 | How to Solve The Institute, by Ctrl-Reset and The Intern, Written and Compiled by Ctrl-Reset |
institute.txt | 5716 | WALKTHROUGH: How to Solve The Institute, by Ctrl-Reset and The Intern of The Outpost |
irish.txt | 7705 | Transcription of a Review of Dusk of the Gods by Mad Dog (1992) |
jacknipper.sol | 6825 | WALKTHROUGH: Jack the Nipper, by Gremlin (1986) |
jackripper.sol | 4766 | WALKTHROUGH: Jack the Ripper |
jinxster.sol | 9299 | WALKTHROUGH: Jinxter, by Magnetic Scrolls/Rainbird |
jinxter.txt | 9330 | WALKTHROUGH: Jinxter |
journeywt.txt | 513 | WALKTHROUGH: Journey to the Center of the Earth |
karateka.adv | 3240 | Solutions and Hints for Broderbund's Karateka |
kayleth.sol | 4140 | WALKTHROUGH: Kayleth, by Jacob Gunness (August 1, 1990) |
kcamelot.txt | 21367 | The Riddles for the Conquests of Camelot by Sierra On-Line |
kentilla.sol | 5476 | WALKTHROUGH: Kentilla, by Jacob Gunness (February 2, 1990) |
kingiv.txt | 15829 | Walkthrough for King's Quest IV |
kingqst2.txt | 25922 | Walkthrough for King's Quest 5, by Sierra Online |
kingqst3.txt | 25909 | Walkthrough for King's Quest III |
kingslve.txt | 12009 | Walkthrough for Search for the King, by Ice Bird |
kingtuts.sol | 664 | SOLUTION: King Tut's Tomb Solution |
kobayashi.sol | 1806 | WALTHROUGH: Kobayashi Naru by Mastertronic |
kq-4.sln | 13310 | Kings Quest 4 Helpful Hints |
kq3-hint.txt | 11310 | Hints for King's Quest III |
kq4sol.txt | 9784 | Hints for King's Quest IV by Lord Zombie |
kq5.txt | 22547 | Hints and Solves for Kings Quest V |
kq5_1.txt | 8003 | What to do in King's Quest V |
kq5_2.txt | 18208 | Hints for King's Quest V |
kq5sol.txt | 12021 | Solution for King's Quest 5 |
kqiiihlp.txt | 5737 | King's Quest III Hints, by John Geiser |
kqiisolv.adv | 3626 | Solution to Sierra On-line's King's Quest II |
kquest.adv | 11070 | Solution to Sierra On-line's King's Quest |
krynn.txt | 60173 | Solution to the game Champions on Krynn, by SNooPY, January 4, 1990 |
kukulcan.txt | 2038 | WALKTHROUGH: Kukulcan, by The Duke of P.C.P. |
kyrandia.txt | 16637 | Solution to Legend of Kyrandia (August 9, 1992) |
labyrinth.sol | 4653 | WALKTHROUGH: Labyrinth Walkthrough by Mr 2703 |
larry1.txt | 2535 | Solution to Leisure Suit Larry |
lastninja.sol | 6370 | WALKTHROUGH: The Last Ninja |
lastninja2.sol | 17571 | WALKTHROUGH: The Last Ninja 2 by Dinko Bicakcic |
lawofthewest.txt | 2074 | WALKTHROUGH: Law of the West |
leathergoddess.txt | 5906 | SOLUTION: Leather Goddesses of Phobos Solution by Charazz, Mad Hacker and Obsidian |
legendapachegold.txt | 1343 | SOLUTION: The Legend of Apache Gold, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
lhorror.txt | 3836 | WALKTHROUGH: The Lurking Horror, from Infocom |
lifeboat.sol | 2731 | SOLUTION: Lifeboat, by Jack Lockerby, by Jacob Gunness (January 13, 1991) |
loadsofmidnight.txt | 1166 | SOLUTION: Loads of Midnight |
longbow1.txt | 30878 | The Legend of Robin Hood: Conquests of the Longbow Icon Code |
longbow2.txt | 19198 | Robin Hood: Conquests of the Longbow Solution and Hints |
loomslv.txt | 16839 | Solution to Lucasfilm's LOOM (April 9, 1990) by Rom Chip |
lotrsol.txt | 8848 | SOLUTION: Lord of the Rings, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
lotsol.txt | 6105 | SOLUTION: Lords of Time (Level 9) |
lsl2.txt | 12128 | Solution to Leisure Suit Larry II |
lsl3.txt | 16803 | Map and Solution for Leisure Suit Larry 3 |
lsl3slv.txt | 10694 | Game Cheat for Leisure Suit Larry 3, by The Timelord and Low Rider |
lsl5.hnt | 22501 | Hints to Leisure Suit Larry V by Beamer |
lsl5hint.txt | 27359 | Collection of Hints for Leisure Suit Larry V |
lsl6-wt.txt | 20780 | The Walkthrough for Leisure Suit Larry 6 |
luciferssol.txt | 2742 | SOLUTION: Lucifer's Realm, Solved by the Clone Kids |
lurkinghorr.txt | 3805 | SOLUTION: The Lurking Horror, from Infocom |
lurkinghorrorp.txt | 306 | Instructions For Logging Into Computer in Lurking Horror |
lurkinghorrorsolv.adv | 8538 | The Solution to The Lurking Horror by The Sorcerer |
magicland.txt | 2595 | SOLUTION: Magic Land - Dizzy |
majik.sol | 1165 | SOLUTION: Majik, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
man-eng.txt | 2887 | WALKTHROUGH: How to Solve Man-Eng: Master of Evil, by The Surgeon |
maniac.txt | 28349 | Solution to the game Maniac Mansion |
maniacmansion.txt | 8016 | SOLUTION: Maniac Mansion, from Lucasfilm Games |
mardrms.txt | 67494 | Soft Documentation: Ultima: Worlds of Adventure II |
maskofsun.sol | 5271 | Mask of the Sun: A Walkthrough by Sheree, from The Mines of Moria (1983) |
masquerade.sol | 3065 | SOLUTION: Masquerade, by Whizzard Inc. of The Post Office |
maze.zk1 | 2741 | SOLUTION: Ascii Map of Zork I |
mazmap.adv | 2883 | SOLUTION: ASCII Map of Twisty Little Passages All Alike Maze |
metalwarrior.txt | 1584 | Solution for Metal Warrior by Martin Brunner (1999) |
mghtmag2.txt | 150440 | Might and Magic II Part 1 (Walkthrough) |
mh2hints.txt | 20007 | Hints and Questions for Manhunter 2 |
miamivice.sol | 10396 | SOLUTION: Miami Vice by Ocean Software, from Rstuart (May 7, 2000) |
mightandmagic.txt | 32632 | SOLUTION: Might and Magic 1 |
mightmagic2.txt | 19077 | SOLUTION: Might and Magic II by Bjorgvin R. Leifsson |
mindfighter.sol | 7478 | SOLUTION: Mindfighter |
mindshadow.txt | 3124 | SOLUTION: How to Solve Mind Shadow, written by The Clone Kids |
mine.zk1 | 1613 | SOLUTION: Zork I Coal Mine Map |
miser.sol | 550 | SOLUTION: Miser (Walkthrough) |
miser.txt | 581 | WALKTHROUGH: Miser |
missionasteroid.sol | 753 | SOLUTION: Mission Asteroid: Hi-Res Adventure #1 |
mm2codes.txt | 5860 | Day of the Tentacle Manual Protection Patents by Dead Goon & Hoson (June 11, 1993) |
mm2hintf.txt | 15936 | Maniac Mension 2 (Day of the Tentacle) Hint File by Hoson (June 12, 1993) |
mmiiihin.txt | 7181 | Might and Magic III Hints |
monkey-i.txt | 15580 | Walkthrough for the Secret of Monkey Island (October 7, 1990) |
monkey.txt | 14220 | The Secret of Monkey Island Amiga Reference Card by Skid Row |
montyonrun.sol | 1567 | SOLUTION: Monty on The Run, from Michiel |
moonmist.sol | 6803 | SOLUTION: Moonmist, by Infocom |
moonmist.txt | 6834 | WALKTHROUGH: Moonmist, from Infocom |
mordonsquest.txt | 4321 | SOLUTION: Mordon's Quest, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
mountainsket.txt | 4494 | SOLUTION: Mountains of Ket, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
ms-dvi.txt | 8695 | Solutions of Deja Vu Part I by Renegade of RAF |
ms-sg.txt | 16867 | The Solution to Shadowgate, by Renegade of RAF |
ms-un.txt | 22643 | The Solution to Uninvited, by Renegade of RAF |
murderonm.txt | 5598 | SOLUTION: Murder on the Mississippi, by Oistein Ihle |
musketeers.sol | 517 | WALKTHROUGH: Musketeers, by Martin Brunner (1998) |
mysterfh.txt | 1993 | How to Solve Scott Adams Adventure #7: Mystery Fun House, by Double Density |
neuro.txt | 33910 | Solution to the Game "Neuromancer", by Siamak |
neuroman.sol | 8922 | Walkthrough for the game Neuromancer |
neuromancer.sol | 37046 | SOLUTION: Neuromancer, by Paul J. Grant (1989) |
neverending.sol | 1433 | SOLUTION: Neverending Story by Ocean, from Jacob Gunness (December 3, 1990) |
nightofaliens.sol | 2835 | SOLUTION: Night of the Aliens, by William Parker: Solution by Dorothy Millard |
oo-topos.adv | 11430 | Solution to the hi-res adventure, oo-topos |
para.txt | 2653 | Codename ICEMAN Paragraphs for Typing In, by Golden One and Hill Billy (March 18, 1990) |
pawn.sol | 9023 | SOLUTION: The Pawn, by Magnetic Scrolls |
pawn.txt | 9054 | WALKTHROUGH: The Pawn, from Magnetic Scrolls |
perseus.sol | 758 | SOLUTION: Perseus and Andromeda: Mysterious Adventure 9 |
phantasie1.sol | 12086 | SOLUTION: Phantasie Solve, by The Psychotic and Sire Merlyn |
phantasie2.sol | 7865 | SOLUTION: Phantasie 2, from Logical Design Works |
pilgrim.sol | 1977 | SOLUTION: The Pilgrim, from jacob Gunness (September 22, 1990) |
pirate.sol | 2539 | SOLUTION: Pirate Adventure Solution |
plan9.txt | 9649 | Plan 9 From Outer Space Solution by Bagpuss of Loons (August 18, 1992) |
planetfall.sol | 7321 | SOLUTION: Planetfall, from Infocom |
plundered.sol | 3004 | SOLUTION: Plundered Hearts, from Infocom, by Jacob Gunness (August 6, 1990) |
plundered.txt | 4404 | WALKTHROUGH: Plundered Hearts, from Infocom |
pn.txt | 9376 | Documentation and Hints for Personal Nightmare |
pq2.txt | 6931 | Solution to Police Quest II by Sierra On-line |
pq2_solv.txt | 17744 | Solution to Police Question II by Sierra On-Line |
pqhints.txt | 10736 | Police Quest Hints |
pyjamarama.sol | 2438 | SOLUTION: Pyjamarama Solution from Mikrogen |
pyramidod.sol | 2237 | SOLUTION: The Pyramid of Doom, by Double Density and Doctor Flora |
quest.sol | 842 | SOLUTION: How to Solve The Quest, by Demuffin Man! |
quest.txt | 873 | WALKTHROUGH: How to Solve The Quest, by Demuffin Man |
questforgrail.txt | 900 | SOLUTION: The Quest for the Holy Grail, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
questforwhorehouse.txt | 342 | SOLUTION: Quest for the Whorehouse Queen Solution |
questii.txt | 40207 | The Quest for Glory II Hint Section |
questron.sol | 11157 | SOLUTION: Questron |
questron.txt | 8151 | WALKTHROUGH: How to Solve Questron, by Copy/Cat of the Hi-Res Hijackers |
questron2.sol | 8941 | SOLUTION: Questron II Solution |
rebelplanet.txt | 14959 | SOLUTION: Rebel Planet, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
redhawk.sol | 2347 | SOLUTION: Redhawk |
returntooz.txt | 6580 | SOLUTION: Return to Oz from U.S. Gold, by Dorothy Millard |
ringofpower.sol | 1259 | SOLUTION: Ring of Power, by Quicksilva |
risedrag.txt | 46288 | The Rise of the Dragon Walkthrough |
roadwar2000.sol | 3394 | SOLUTION: Road Warrior 2000 Solution |
robinhood | 6166 | Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood |
robinofsherwood.txt | 2061 | SOLUTION: Robin of Sherwood, from Adventure International, by Jacob Gunness (1987) |
s4king.txt | 11736 | Les Manley Search for the King, solved by Fabulous Furlough |
sbardt1 | 16653 | Walkthrough for The Bard's Tale |
sbardt3 | 173102 | Solution for: Bard's Tale III, submitted by Richard J. Hutchison |
scamelot | 17126 | Conquests of Camelot Solution by Lord Reagan |
scapeghost.sol | 5334 | SOLUTION: Scapeghost, from Jacob Gunness (December 5, 1989) |
sceptreofb.sol | 3250 | SOLUTION: Sceptre of Baghdad |
schron | 3724 | Solution to Chrono Quest |
scirce | 26681 | Circuit's Edge Awesome Walk Through |
scodeic | 22476 | Solution to Codename: Iceman |
scolonq | 23303 | The Colonel's Bequest Hints and Tips by Lord Sterling & AvaTar |
scotadam.adv | 16951 | Sets of hints for every Scott Adams adventure |
scryptm | 3538 | Solution to Crypt of Medea by Douglas Cameron (December 1, 1990) |
sdejavu | 7194 | Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas |
sdemonfo | 5335 | Demon's Forge: A Solve By The Wixer |
se-kaaofassiah.sol | 8771 | SOLUTION: See-Kaa of Assiah, by Les Hogarth & Clive Wilson, from Dorothy Millard |
seabasedelta.txt | 2258 | SOLUTION: Seabase Delta, from Firebird, written by Jacob Gunness (1988) |
sexvixen.txt | 6793 | How to Solve SEX VIXENS |
sexvixens.txt | 1768 | SOLUTION: Sex Vixens from Space, from Jacob Gunness (January 3, 1991) |
shadowgate.txt | 4213 | WALKTHROUGH: Shadowgate |
shadowsofmordor.sol | 7257 | SOLUTION: Shadows of Mordor, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
sherlock.txt | 13113 | Solution: The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes by Milamber |
sherlockholmes.sol | 18545 | SOLUTION: Sherlock Holmes: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels, from Infocom |
sinbadgs.sol | 2039 | SOLUTION: Sinbad and the Golden Ship, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
skooldaze.sol | 5097 | SOLUTION: Skool Daze, from Alternative Software, typed by Vaxalon (1993) |
sky_walk.txt | 11350 | The Complete Beneath A Steel Sky Walkthrough by FOURTYoz, Hitiek, Red, OLiVER (March 21, 1994) |
smashed.sol | 2023 | SOLUTION: S.M.A.S.H.E.D. by C. A. Sharp, by Jacob Gunness (August 22, 1992) |
smugglersinn.sol | 2046 | SOLUTION: Smuggler's Inn from Mountain Valley Software, by Jacob Gunness (1993) |
solve.txt | 3911 | Solution to Ecstatica |
solvefor.txt | 6943 | How to Solve Planetfall, written by Doctor Death |
solveultima.txt | 6656 | How to Solve Ultima II by Copy Cat of Hi-Res Hijackers |
sorcerer.sol | 8297 | SOLUTION: Sorcerer by Infocom, from Hayes |
sorcerer.txt | 5137 | The Sorcerer (Enchanter II) Walkthrough |
sorcererofclaymorgue.sol | 2943 | SOLUTION: The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle, from Adventure International, from Jacob Gunness (September 22, 1990) |
sorceria.txt | 92738 | Socerian Part 1: Walkthrough |
spaceace.sol | 6755 | SOLUTION: How to Solve Space Ace, by The Batman (1984) |
spaceace.txt | 6786 | WALKTHROUGH: How to Solve Space Ace, by The Batman (1984) |
spaceii.txt | 16578 | Space Quest II: Vohol's Revenge (Solution) |
spelcst.txt | 3212 | Yet Even more Dox to Spellcasting 101, by Guy Smiley |
spell101.txt | 29981 | Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get all the Girls (Part 1) |
spellbound.sol | 3196 | SOLUTION: Spellbound |
spellbreaker.sol | 21006 | SOLUTION: Spellbreaker, from Infocom |
spellbreaker.txt | 21037 | WALKTHROUGH: Spellbreaker, from Infocom |
spiderman.sol | 1382 | SOLUTION: Spiderman Questprobe 2 |
spiderman.txt | 1413 | WALKTHROUGH: Spiderman, from Questprobe |
spidermountain.sol | 779 | SOLUTION: Spider Mountain |
spiii.txt | 21293 | Space Quest 3 Hint Section Listing |
spot.txt | 1850 | SOLUTION: The 7-Up Cool Spoots by Mr. Xerox of THG! |
spytrek.sol | 2522 | SOLUTION: Spy Trek, from Jacob Gunness (1992) |
sq4.hnt | 18541 | The Streets of Xenon Hints and Information |
sq4debug.txt | 3836 | Space Quest IV Beta Debug Keys, by Beamer |
sq5solve.txt | 18289 | Solution to Space Quest 5 Beta 0.028 (February 7, 1993) |
sqstory.txt | 3711 | The Storyline of the Space Quest Series up to IV, by Iceman |
srcastle.txt | 8127 | A Map to StormRaven's Castle |
st25.txt | 10839 | Star Trek 25th Anniversary Walk_Through |
staffofkarnath.sol | 2159 | SOLUTION: Staff of Karnath, from mls (April, 2000) |
starcross.sol | 10477 | SOLUTION: Solving Star*Cross by DJC and Tamerlane of the Ring |
startrek.txt | 10579 | Walkthough for the Startrek Adventure Game |
startrekpromethean.txt | 4680 | SOLUTION: Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy Walkthrough from Nodak |
stationfall.sol | 5114 | SOLUTION: Stationfall, from Infocom |
stationfall.txt | 5145 | WALKTHROUGH: Stationfall, from Infocom |
stoneville.txt | 1158 | SOLUTION: Stoneville Manor |
strikeforcecobra.txt | 1483 | SOLUTION: Strike Force Cobra Solution, from Jaromir Krol / "Jerry King" |
sudan.txt | 6236 | Walkthrough for Sword of Sudan |
sundog.txt | 23113 | SunDog Hints from Alex Leavans and Bruce Webster |
suspect.sol | 5623 | SOLUTION: How to Solve Suspect, Presented by Friendly Man and Sgt. Pepper |
suspended.sol | 7672 | SOLUTION: How to Solve Suspended, by John L. Moss |
sydneyaffair.sol | 3509 | SOLUTION: Sydney Affair Solution |
t7g.hlp | 44357 | Solutions to various problems encountered in 'T7G' by Neil B. Breeden II and George F. Gaut Jr (February 2, 1994) |
tasstimes.sol | 4849 | SOLUTION: Tass Times in Tone Town |
tasstimes.txt | 4880 | WALKTHROUGH: Tass Times in Tone Town, from Activision |
tenlittle.sol | 1208 | SOLUTION: Ten Little Indians: Mysterious Adventure 10 |
terrormolinos.sol | 2048 | SOLUTION: Terrormolinos, from Jacob Gunness (May 13, 1990) |
threeweeks.sol | 8738 | SOLUTION: Three Weeks in Paradise |
timetunnel.sol | 8359 | SOLUTION: Time Tunnel, by Martin Fernandez |
timezone.sol | 10626 | SOLUTION: Time Zone, from Adventure International by The Mercenary |
tirnanog.sol | 932 | SOLUTION: Tir Na Nog - Tips, typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
tobeontop.sol | 8720 | SOLUTION: To Be On Top, by Smalltown Boy |
tracesanction.sol | 5270 | SOLUTION: The Tracer Sanction |
transylvania.sol | 3051 | SOLUTION: How to Solve Transylvania by The Enchantor (1983) |
trapdoor.sol | 5410 | SOLUTION: Trapdoor |
trapdoor2.sol | 6855 | SOLUTION: Trapdoor II - Through the Trapdoor by Jaromir Krol - "Jerry King" |
trinity.txt | 7025 | WALKTHROUGH: Trinity, from Infocom |
twinkingdom.sol | 2850 | SOLUTION: Twin Kingdom Valley |
u72items.nam | 28351 | Ultima 7 Part II Item List |
u72npcs.nam | 7636 | Ultima 7 Part II Non-Player Character List |
u72spell.nam | 2447 | Ultima 7 Part II Spells |
ugadventure.txt | 1144 | SOLVE: Underground Adventure: Public Domain |
ugf.txt | 5016 | SOLVE: Ulysses and the Golden Fleese by Bsbal the Wise and Michael Decaye |
ulgf.txt | 1237 | SOLVE: Ulysses and the Golden Fleece Hi-Res Adventure #3 |
ult5hint.txt | 75784 | Ultima 5 Hints by The Raven |
ult6.txt | 40820 | Ultima VI by Origin General typed in by Golden One and Hill Billy |
ult6adna.txt | 18470 | Ultima VI Addendum by Golden One and Hill Billy |
ult6lang.txt | 2631 | Ultima VI Runic Characters by Golden One and Hill Billy |
ult6magc.txt | 9031 | Ultima VI Magic by Golden One and Hill Billy |
ult6rfnc.txt | 16435 | Ultima VI Reference by Golden One and Billy |
ult6spls.txt | 15262 | Ultima VI: The Eight Circles of Magic by Golden One and Hill Billy |
ultima06.txt | 28081 | Ultima VI Introduction |
ultima3.sol | 15546 | SOLUTION: Ultima III: The Exodus |
ultima3.txt | 15577 | SOLVE: Ultima III: The Exodus |
ultima7.txt | 25373 | Ultima VII: The Blackgate Walkthrough and Tips, by The Scourge |
uninvite.txt | 25600 | The Walkthrough for Uninvited Part 1, by Kiran S. Kedlaya |
uninvited.sol | 3812 | SOLUTION: The Uninvited by Mirrorsoft |
uninvited.txt | 3843 | SOLVE: The Uninvited, by Mirrorsoft |
uppergumtree.sol | 2203 | SOLUTION: Upper Gumtree, by Peter Cooke, Walkthrough by Dorothy Millard (1984) |
urbanupstart.sol | 913 | SOLUTION: Urban Upstart by Richard Shepherd |
uukrul.hlp | 25900 | The Dark Heart of UUKRUL Solution by Serge Borovoy |
uukrul.sol | 33833 | Solution to The Dark Heart of Uukrul |
vacstle2.txt | 1059 | WALKTHROUGH: Voodoo Castle, by Scott Adams |
valkyrie_17.sol | 2228 | SOLUTION: Valkryie 17 by Ram Jam Corporation, by Jacob GUnness (December, 1988) |
vamphunt.drv | 2611 | Review of the Computer Game "Vampire Hunter D" |
vcastle1 | 460 | WALKTHROUGH: Voodoo Castle |
velnors_lair.sol | 5489 | SOLUTION: Velnor's Lair, by Derek Brewster (Atlantis Gold), Walkthrough by Dorothy Millard |
venom.sol | 4214 | SOLUTION: Venom, by Clive Wilson of Softel, Walkthrough by Dorothy Millard |
voodoo_castle.sol | 429 | SOLUTION: How to Solve Voodoo Castle |
vquest.txt | 4404 | WALTKTHROUGH: Viking Quest by The Wyvern of T-Men Pyrotechnics |
wally.sol | 7350 | SOLUTION: Everyone's a Wally by Mikrogen |
waxworks.sol | 1109 | SOLUTION: Waxworks: Mysterious Adventure 11 |
waxworks.txt | 1140 | WALKTHROUGH: Waxworks Mysterious Adventure 11 |
webwalk.txt | 10318 | Complete Walkthrough for Dreamweaver |
wega_station.sol | 609 | SOLUTION: Wega Station |
willyb.sol | 9479 | The Advantures of Willy Beamish Solution |
wishbringer.sol | 5416 | SOLUTION: Wishbringer Solution by The Sheik |
witness.sol | 4739 | SOLUTION: The Witness! by Doobie Productions (1983) |
wizardofakyrz.sol | 1951 | SOLUTION: Wizard of Akyrz of Channel 8, by Jacob Gunness (March 31, 1991) |
wizardofoz.sol | 19737 | SOLUTION: Wizard of Oz, by Allronix |
wizardscrown.sol | 15449 | SOLUTION: Wizard's Crown Walkthrough by Andrew Schultz Version 1.0.1 (May 8, 2000) |
wolfman.sol | 4431 | SOLUTION: Wolfman, by CRL |
youngones.tips | 399 | SOLUTION: The Young Ones: Incomplete Hints |
zork1.sol | 4531 | SOLUTION: Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (May 23, 1990) |
zork1b.sol | 3136 | SOLUTION: Zork 1 Walkthrough by Little Beth |
zork2.sol | 4950 | SOLUTION: Zork 2: The Wizard of Frobozz from Infocom |
zork3.sol | 3553 | SOLUTION: Zork III by Jacob Gunness (March 18, 1990) |
zzzzzz.sol | 1140 | SOLUTION: ZZZZZ: Typed by Vaxalon (1994) |
There are 495 files for a total of 5,987,537 bytes. |
There is 1 directory. |
If you wish to have the entire directory conveniently archived and compressed into one file, please download either adventure.tar.gz (2298339 bytes) or adventure.zip (2600348 bytes) instead of all the files separately.