Alice in Wonderland (Picture-Text Action Adventure)
Compatible: 64k Apple II+, //e, //c
Requirements: One disk drivep; joystick optional

     A summer's day picnic is always fun, especially with that nice Rev. Dodgson to tell such interesting stories. Still, when an oversized, watch-toting rabit rushes by, the only thing for a normal, curious little girl to do is follow. In Windham's version of the Lewis Carroll classic, your objective is to explore Wonderland, unravel its mysteries, and return to the mundane world (before you miss too many French lessons).

     Designed for new readers, "Alice in Wondeland" employs arcade style displays and character movement with other adventuring functions (e.g. "TAKE", "USE", "ASK", "SCOLD", etc.) handled via menu. While some forty Wonderland/Looking Glass personages supply clues, riddles, and useful songs, a major concern is to approach obstacles with the proper perspective. So collection and careful use of size-changing cakes and potions is very important.

     Despite its intended audience, winning the game is hardly a breeze. A modicum of arcade 'snap' is required and Wonderland is easily a complicated enough place to reward mapping. Long playing and colorful, this is thoroughly enjoyable adventure. (Just ask Alice.)

Available from Windham: One Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02139. (617) 494-1225. $26.95

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