WISHBRINGER (Text Adventure)
Compatible: 48K Apple II+, IIe, IIc
Requirements: One disk drive

     It's not easy being a postal clerk in a small town like Festeron. When things are slow (like near quitting time) you are liable to wind up making special deliveries and not get home 'til after dark. So why did have to volunteer to find the old lady's pet cat Wishbringer?  Why did she give you a funny looking canister "to help" you on your 'mission'?  And why, in twentieth century Festeron, is there a big ugly troll blocking your way across this bridge?!!

     Cozy, friendly Festeron has, you soon realize, undergone a decidedly peculiar transformation. In a setting drawn from My Little Golden Book of Nightmares, townspeople adopt sinister alter egos, poodles become hellhounds, harmless hillsides develop underground passages, and marching boots patrol the streets ready to snatch curfew breakers.

     Still, despite the mechanations of a mysterious personage known only as "the Evil One", you remain undaunted. There are princesses to rescue, a far-out video game to try, and that darn cat has to be somewhere.

     Wishbringer is a whimsical yet challenging bit of escapism offering puzzles with the unusual property of being soluable by mundane or magical means. Nicely crafted and well supported, this game belongs near the top of your "must get" list.

Available from Infocom: 125 Cambridge Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140. (617) 492-1031. $39.95

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