June version 1.1 800NUMS:

        Here is a list of Bulletin boards which I have collected
from across the country.I have tested these BBS's and 
EVERY ONE OF THEM WORKS!The ones that dont are either unoperational or 
are pay.Have fun!

Name    Number          Type                Description

OERI    1-800-222-4922  Education       Educational BBS;good files section
SBA     1-800-859-4636  Business        Business BBS;terrific message base
ORIGINS 1-800-765-6552  Info            Info. Exchange;very good;files
M-Link  1-800-248-4947  Internet access Online games(1 node);E-mail
Gulfline1-800-235-4662  Info            Pretty good BBS with lotsa files
Penwise 1-800-752-3012  Purchase        Good if you need technical equip.
Hyundai 1-800-955-5432  Tech. Support   Falls short of a support BBS
WTIE    1-800-544-1936  Enviornmental   excellent enviornmental BBS
Hayes   1-800-874-2937  Tech. Support   excellent tech support BBS
The Lamp1-800-642-1982  Edcuation       excellent!Must be a WV resident
WVJobs  1-800-252-5627  Job Service     Good.Must be WV resident.
DESKTOP 1-800-228-3832  Support         good support BBS.
AT&T    1-800-548-2996  Info            pretty good.
IDIOT   1-800-535-1997  Pay Entert.     very good.
NEA     1-800-541-0816  Education       alright BBS;no E mail access or files
Easylink1-800-325-4112  Info            good
E-Box   1-800-362-1612  Pay Entert.     One of the best pay services.
USAsport1-800-654-2319  info.           alright.not the best
Event H 1-800-466-6336  Pay Entert.     pretty good.
Lemark  1-800-453-9223  support         good message base;support BBS
Autonet 1-800-827-3001  support         support BBS
Telenet 1-800-546-3000  support         one of many Telenet numbers
Emerald 1-800-967-9385  pay Entert.     complaints of bad sysoping,okay.

               |        Copyright (C) 1993          |
               |           Kevin Ardoin             |
               |All rights reserved except the legal|
               |distribution of this text in its    |
               |original,unaltered form.            |
|| Users of this list agree to take all responsibilty for misuse of the ||
|| systems mentioned in the list,and the creator of this list is not    ||
|| responsible for any problems created from the devising of this list, ||
|| legal,or otherwise.This text may be distributed but NOT altered in   ||                                                  
|| any way or to the profit of the distributor.This list has been per-  ||
|| fected to the highest standards by the creator,but no guarantee of   ||
|| accuracy is either implied or extended to the user.Thank you for     ||
|| using Kevin Ardoin's 800 number list.                                ||

        If you liked Kevin Ardoin's 800NUMS list,please send $2.50 to:

                                P.o. Box 373
                        Littleton,West Virginia 26581
A free subscription to this bi-monthly list will be sent at your request
on the Small Business Administration's Bulletin Board(1-800-859-4636).
Just send E-Mail to Kevin Ardoin on the Communication panel on this
Bulletin board,and you will recieve the latest version of the list through
enclosure.No more than one copy,please.Thank you........................

        Hey,people!This is my first list,and I'm new to the Shareware
business.If you have any working Bulletin Board numbers other than these,
please send them to me on SBA or Origins.All help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks goes tomany people I met on SBA,Origins,Hyundai,and many,many
other Bulletin Boards I am signed on to.YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!
        If anyone has any advice on how I could improve the list,
TELL ME!!!This list is for YOU!Not me!All the critical advice you give me
is put into the quality and improvement of this list!So let me know.All
advice,even bad critiques are welcome...
        Thanks for reading my list!There's another list coming in
a few more months,so keep your eyes open and your modems buzzing!And someday,
there may even be an Ardoin BBS!All advice is welcome,and thank you!!!!!!!!!!