International Apple II BBS List, July 1994
Compiled by Mike Shecket
Additions, corrections, comments to: (PREFERRED --- Note change) (alternate if first is not available)
Updated 6/24/94
Name                            Location                Phone Number  
----                            --------                ------------
Pro-Zap                         Rue de Kernon, France   +33-96916290
Pro-Swegbg                      Goteborg, Sweden        +46-31831116  
Pro-Sweosd                      Sweden                  +46-63103791
Valhalla                        Stockholm, Sweden       +46-86675311
The Abyss                       Brisbane, Australia     +61-78511711
Phoenix                         Brisbane, Australia     +61-78004660
The Complex II                  Sydney, Australia       +61-24172729
Apple Users' Group              Sydney, Australia       +61-24497798
The Lower Planes                Melbourne, Australia    +61-35432585
AUSOM Premium Access            Melbourne, Australia    +61-35874194
Golden Delicious                Auckland, New Zealand   +64-95252756
Newton On-Line                  Singapore               +65-7912670
Pro-Friends                     Harrington Park, NJ     201-767-6308
Byte Bastards                   Clifton, NJ             201-773-7001
The Xerox Machine               New Jersey              201-827-6474
Bit Bucket                      East Hartford, CT       203-257-9588
The AppleBox                    Winnipeg, MB, Canda     204-224-0683
Pro-Freedom                     Vancouver, WA           206-694-3276
The Colony                      Fresno, CA              209-233-2937
The Pirate's Cove               California              209-571-3839
The Mystic BBS/AE ][            Stockton, CA            209-957-7372
Haz-Mat II                      New York, NY            212-535-9006
Pro-Janin                       South Gate, CA          213-564-0995
The Apple Barrel                Desoto, TX              214-223-8477
Pro-Chef                        The Colony, TX          214-370-2433
Pro-Storm                       Richardson, TX          214-644-5113
Twilight Of Reality             Irving, TX              214-659-0108
The Dog House                   Philadelphia, PA        215-924-7871
Pro-Berks                       Reading, PA             215-929-4315
Damage Incorporated             Cleveland, OH           216-328-0374
The Clinic                      Rocky River, OH         216-333-4364
The Gold Mine                   Maple Heights, OH       216-581-7770
Slipstream                      Cleveland, OH           216-791-9067
The Space Station               Cleveland, OH           216-883-7209
Tower                           Willoughby, OH          216-951-5167
Pro-Woolf                       Silver Spring, MD       301-585-1033
National Capital Apple II       Maryland, DC vicinity   301-868-9554
The Passive Resistance          Silver Spring, MD       301-890-8771
Computer CACHE BBS              Denver, CO              303-745-4960
The Coven                       Denver, CO              303-777-2911
Pro-K9s                         Denver, CO              303-987-3647
Pro-Entropy                     Miami, FL               305-265-9073
Big Apple                       Miami, FL               305-948-8000
ORB BBS                         Wyoming                 307-635-0715
Nottingham                      Cheyenne, WY            307-637-7620
Pro-Jackalope                   Sheridan, WY            307-674-5310
The Bart's Tale                 Washington, IL          309-444-3978
AppleByters BBS                 Quad Cities area, IL    309-788-0314
Dementia                        Silvis, IL              309-796-0314
Game Central                    California              310-426-4485
Pro-Palmtree                    Santa Monica, CA        310-453-8726
Original Apple Corps BBS        Los Angeles, CA         310-454-4660
Appleholics Anonymous           Gardena, CA             310-516-6017
Pro-SBACC                       Torrance, CA            310-538-1913
Mike and Matt's Tavern          Torrance, CA            310-539-8723
N. Ill. Computer Society BBS    Arlington Heights, IL   312-351-4374
Feminist                        Chicago, IL             312-624-8771
Jokertown                       Chicago, IL             312-907-0047
Pro-FAC                         Flint, MI               313-230-7754
Pro-Applejacks                  Fenton, MO              314-225-8008
Something In The Attic BBS      St. Louis, MO           314-275-7357
The Way, The Truth, The Life    Forestport, NY          315-392-2368
OMEGA PRO                       Wichita, KS             316-721-7735
Pro-Ict                         Wichita, KS             316-733-8440
The Hairy Buffalo               Indianapolis, IN        317-783-5122
Apple Pickers BBS               Indianapolis, IN        317-897-1989
Tarnished Knight                DeRidder, LA            318-463-2100
Pro-Gumbo                       Shreveport, LA          318-861-1012
TI BBS                          Calgary, AB, Canada     403-273-0492
The New Chalkboard II           Edmonton, AB, Canada    403-461-2983
Trojan Horse                    Edmonton, AB, Canada    403-471-3150
EAGLE                           Edmonton, AB, Canada    403-481-3133
The Dark Tower                  Grnd Centre, AB, Canada 403-594-1402
Lightning Strikes Here          Orlando, FL             407-297-7288
Southern Exposure               Oviedo, FL              407-359-5227
ACES W. Palm Beach Chapter BBS  West Palm Beach, FL     407-483-8426
Pro-Carolina                    Orlando, FL             407-858-9937
Starkist                        Orlando, FL             407-859-9999
Apple Byte GS                   San Jose, CA            408-578-3201
The GS Express                  San Jose, CA            408-629-9846
Pro-Haven                       Bryan, TX               409-822-5534
The Electrical Diralect         Hempstead, TX           409-826-4087
The Triumvirate                 Baltimore, MD           410-486-9812
Lightning Systems               Mukwonago, WI           414-363-4282
The Tower of Babble             Milwaukee, WI           414-672-5973
Valhalla                        San Francisco, CA       415-221-4370
The Apple Empire                San Francisco, CA       415-776-3242
The Boycott BBS                 Treasure Island, CA     415-989-3654
The Motherboard                 San Francisco, CA       415-991-4832
Pro-Darma                       Toronto, ON, Canada     416-739-6698
Corrosion of Conformity         Mansfield, MO           417-924-8028
Pro-Gab                         Mansfield, OH           419-522-9221
WAC BBS                         Salem, OR               503-363-0861
Pro-Gallup                      Gallup, NM              505-722-9513
Manzana                         Albuquerque, NM         505-839-9043
Lost Gonzo BBS                  Mankato, MN             507-625-8321
The Playground!                 Leominster, MA          508-343-9163
8-bit Apple User Group BBS      Livermore, CA           510-294-8052
House of Games                  Alameda, CA             510-523-6306
Pro-Christ                      Fremont, CA             510-791-1370
Infinity's Edge                 San Ramon, CA           510-820-9401
Pro-Lep                         Austin, TX              512-288-2114
Pro-Smof                        Austin, TX              512-467-7317
Wunderland                      Austin, TX              512-472-0544
Pro-Party                       Corpus Christi, TX      512-882-1899
Even Flow                       Austin, TX              512-892-5264
STIX                            Corpus Christi, TX      512-992-4855
The Apple Corps                 Cincinnati, OH          513-683-0445
Eagle-Eyes' Emporium            Quebec, Canada          514-337-8844
Atlantis BBS                    Quebec, Canada          514-342-6774
Crazy Al's Outhouse             Quebec, Canada          514-481-5440
Micro Dial                      Quebec, Canada          514-694-1828
Anti-Matter                     Adrian, MI              517-263-8384
pro-vanilla                     Albany, NY              518-462-5953
Das Kludge                      Phoenix, AZ             602-258-7667
Spectrum Systems                Mesa, AZ                602-345-6159
Tuscon Apple Core               Tuscon, AZ              602-882-2945
Pro-PHX                         Phoenix, AZ             602-939-7376
The Black Tower                 Delta, BC, Canada       604-591-5131
The Apple Experience            Surrey, BC, Canada      604-596-7398
Pro-Kaug                        Kelowna, BC, Canada     604-769-3125
Virtual Reality                 Rapid City, SD          605-348-5539
Ocean Side Bar                  New Jersey              609-429-8487
Country Inn                     Absecon, NJ             609-652-7103
The Deadly Tombs                Minnesota               612-323-1875
Pro-Ahamt                       Stillwater, MN          612-430-3971
Pro-PHC                         Hutchinson, MN          612-587-0766
Pro-Ragstock                    St. Paul, MN            612-649-1032
Pro-Algonquin                   Monticello, MN          612-772-8628
Apocalyptic City                Minnesota               612-789-3613
Pro-Coach                       Columbus, OH            614-262-4946
The Atomic Playground           Columbus, OH            614-297-7031
Pro-WBBS                        Worthington, OH         614-431-7995
Way Out                         Worthington, OH         614-436-4846
Pro-Gonzo                       Chattenooga, TN         615-875-6570
Pro-XY                          Kalamazoo, MI           616-381-1726
Pro-AppleBCS                    Cambridge, MA           617-232-2244
Pro-Scruffs                     Needham, MA             617-444-6774
Pro-Desert                      Hot Springs, CA         619-251-1297
Pro-Racing                      San Diego, CA           619-298-2706
The Space Bar                   Oceanside, CA           619-433-4653
Pro-Amber                       Spring Valley, CA       619-460-9762
Pro-Sol                         San Diego, CA           619-670-5379
Pro-NSDApple                    San Diego, CA           619-689-2605
Pro-Sat                         Jamul, CA               619-697-0261
Alltech Electronics             Oceanside, CA           619-721-0705
Pro-Newton                      Hesperia, CA            619-956-2631
The Next Generation             Oceanside, CA           619-966-0114
Data Publishing Services        Reno, NV                702-322-4497
Apples Only                     Las Vegas, NV           702-646-7007
Data Base II                    Virginia                703-323-5840
Starport                        Falls Church, VA        703-560-9308
Pro-Novapple                    Falls Church, VA        703-671-0416
The Apple PACK                  Virginia                703-818-0941
The Board                       Roanoke, VA             703-977-1558
CACC BBS                        Charlotte, NC           704-563-6233
Pro-Charlotte                   Charlotte, NC           704-567-0029
Pro-Ed                          Columbus, GA            706-561-0149
Mass Destruction                Travis AFB, CA          707-437-4241
Pro-Odyssey                     Fairfield, CA           707-437-4734
Gravenstien Apple Users Group   Cotati, CA              707-794-9333
Hemisphere                      Chicago vicinity, IL    708-255-0002
Psycho Ward                     Chicago vicinity, IL    708-279-8547
Hemp Foundation                 Chicago, IL             708-394-9594
Point Zero                      Chicago vicinity, IL    708-432-9028
Pro-AppleTree                   Park Forest, IL         708-481-2211
The World Trade Center          Park Forest, IL         708-481-3946
Golden Galleon                  Chicago, IL             708-577-1511
Apple Tree Computer Club BBS    Homewood, IL            708-597-6942
Silver Tongue                   Skokie, IL              708-759-1916
Celestial Haven BBS             Darien, IL              708-852-9765
Parrot Head Supplies            Chicago vicinity, IL    708-887-1209
Bozo Board                      Chicago vicinity, IL    708-948-5754
God's Country                   Chicago vicinity, IL    708-964-5281
N-shore Apple Users Group BBS   Skokie, IL              708-967-7483
The Martial Art Academy         Skokie, IL              708-967-7503
Pro-MACH                        Council Bluffs, IA      712-328-7566
Omicron Theta                   Houston, TX             713-781-0306
The Houston Times               Houston, TX             713-783-0539
Twilight of Reality             Texas                   713-785-5439
The Bum's Palace                Santa Ana, CA           714-432-7327
The Micro Exchange              Fullerton, CA           714-992-4520
Goose's Roost                   Fairport, NY            716-223-0412
Blackie's Apple                 New York                716-458-4887
Pro-ABC                         Youngstown, NY          716-633-9469
The Library BBS                 Hershey, PA             717-566-1699
Software Alive                  Brooklyn, NY            718-822-7019
AppleVenture                    Colorado Springs, CO    719-574-6589
The Mac Journal BBS             Norwich, VT             802-649-3825
ProBoard II                     Paso Robles, CA         805-239-4292
Pro-Scat                        St. Petersburg, FL      813-347-5104
A Genric BBS                    Tampa, FL               813-839-2178
Imladris                        Tampa, FL               813-888-9959
The Sanitarium                  Tampa, FL               813-971-9597
EAC Express                     Erie, PA                814-838-8510
The Cutting Edge                Rockford, IL            815-633-0120
Apple Core                      Mach. Park, IL          815-633-0188
Pro-Ren                         Wonder Lake, IL         815-728-0455
Dark Castle                     Illinois                815-729-0188
Return To Forever               Fort Worth, TX          817-244-8562
Beer World                      Bedford, TX             817-267-9945
Rainbow's End GS                Arlington, TX           817-543-1951
Brave Neuro World               Fort Worth, TX          817-847-7249
Tri-City Apple User Group BBS   Pasadena, CA            818-288-5640
The Bloodsucker BBS             Southern California     818-358-0374
Apple Orchard                   San Fernando Valley, CA 818-782-2161
Valley Apple Computer Club BBS  Arleta, CA              818-504-9750
The Fishin' Hole                Memphis, TN             901-353-4737
The Band Stand                  Cordova, TN             901-371-9484
Pro-PDunes                      Mary Esther, FL         904-664-0561
School Board BBS                Missisauga, ON, Canada  905-672-3797
Lynx BBS                        Upper Michigan          906-428-2916
The AAUG BBS                    Ancorage, AK            907-349-1436
The Jungle                      Ancorage, AK            907-562-3901
Apple Elite II                  Riverside, CA           909-359-5338
GS/BS                           Riverside, CA           909-369-6637
Pro-Volstaad                    Lake Elsinore, CA       909-674-7477
The Fellowship                  Cameron Park, CA        916-672-0850
Pete's Place                    Davis, CA               916-756-3761
Sound Barrier                   Davis, CA               916-757-7856    
Pro-Ssor                        Chico, CA               916-891-6542
Pro-Gateway                     Tulsa, OK               918-592-4419
NIHES                           RTP, NC                 919-541-0041
Pro-Finders                     New Bern, NC            919-638-5973