   *   The Bit Bucket (Portland, OR) Bulletin Board List (Short)   *
   *                      01-AUG-93 Edition                        *
   *      Maintained on DawgGone Disgusted at (503) 297-9145       *
   *       Available for anonymous FTP from m2xenix.psg.com        *
 Copyright (C) 1993 by Lisa Gronke. See the Bit Bucket BBS List (Long) 
 and (Part Time) for copyright restrictions and a COMPLETE listing of 
 local Bulletin Board and public access systems, including sysop, hardware 
 and other details. This information is abstracted from the 01-AUG-93
 edition of the complete listings.
 Post BBS change information in the FidoNet ANNOUNCE Echo [available on
 most Net 105 BBS], or send netmail to Lisa Gronke at 1:105/6, or uucp 
 mail to lisa@m2xenix.psg.com.
 All systems can be reached using PC Pursuit (ORPOR outdial)
  System Name              Hours         Speed      Phone
  ----------------------   ------------- -------    -----------------
  1st Choice Communications  24          24/96      297-0279/297-0278
  21-XXX                     24          3/12/24/96 626-3094/626-6074
  900 Support HelpNet        24          3/12/24/96 684-0931
  The Abomination            24          3/12/24/96 288-5443
  Abort, Retry, or Fail?     24          3/12/24    232-3057
  Acacia BBS                 24          3/12/24/96 637-6624
  A.C.E. of America BBS      24          3/12/24    285-4417 (multi-line)
* Action Jackson's BBS       24          3/12/24    653-7769
  Adventurer's Inn           24          3/12/24/96 626-8953
  The Aftermath              24          12/24/96   656-7934
  agora (unix)               24          3/12/24/96 293-1772 (multi-line)
  A.I.I.N.                   24          3/12/24/96 526-1323
> Aloha Trade Center         24          3/12/24/96 591-7882
  Alpha Centauri             24          12/24/96   657-5298
  The Alternative BBS        24          12/24.96   761-3043
  The Amiga Connection       24          12/24      667-3800
> The Amusement Park BBS     24          3/12/24    256-7758
  Ancient Darklands          24          12/24      775-7980
* Another LCS BBS            24          24/96      624-5720
  Artesian Labs BBS          24          3/12       625-7306
  Asgard BBS                 24          3/12/24    671-9372
  Atarian Multi-Line         24          3/12/24/96 649-2438/649-4322
  Autonet BBS                24          3/12/24    693-1140
  A.W.O.L. BBS               24          3/12/24/96 657-5412
  Backwater II               24          3/12       230-1041
  Banished CPU               24          3/12/24/96 232-5783 (multi-line)
  Bare Bones BBS             24          12/24/96   591-5103
* Barely Legal               24          12/24/96   289-0094
  Barristers' BBS            24          12/24/96   228-5866
> Basement Micro's BBS       24          3/12/24/96 626-1475
> The BBS Connection         24          12/24      288-0800
* Beaver Trading Post        24          3/12/24/96 257-8374
  Bentfender BBS             24          3/12/24    254-8823
  Benjamin's UBBS            24          3/12/24/96 255-9657
  Big Bob's BBS              24          12/24/96   286-2811
> Big Larry's                24          3/12/24/96 291-9815
  Bitter Butter Better BBS   24          12/24/96   620-0307
* The Blue Confabulation     24          12/24      771-5466 (multi-line)
  Blue Lake PCBoard          24          12/24/96   656-9790/657-4719
  Blue Lake PCBoard (node 3) 24          12/24/96   557-8477
  Borderline                 24          3/12       761-7395
  Buchanan's Pub             24          12/24/96   629-5611
  Busker's Boneyard          24          12/24/96   771-4773
  bucket (unix)              24          3/12/24/96 632-7891
  A Byte of Aloha            24          3/12/24/96 591-7542
  CAD-DAYS                   24          3/12/24/96 645-6157
  Castle of the Gods         24          3/12/24    644-6314/646-4386
  Castle of the Gods ][      24          12/24/96   644-2945
  The Catacombs              24          3/12/24    697-4403
  Catlin Gabel School BBS    24          3/12/24/96 292-7772
  CBBS/NW                    24          3/12/24/96 646-5510/284-5260
* CCA                        24          3/12/24/96 762-4012
  Central Point Software BBS 24          3/12/24    690-6650 (multi-line)
  Charlie & Jacks'           24          12/24/96   233-0087
  The Chess Board            24          12/24/96   629-5473/629-8758
  Chess Board (node 2)       24          3/12/24    629-5750
  CloudBase                  24          12 24/96   492-0527
  The Club, Portland BBS     24          3/12/24/96 232-0332/238-5943
  Cobra's Den                24          3/12/24/96 760-0491
  Combat Arms BBS            24          12/24/96   221-1777
  COM-DAT BBS                24          3/12/24/96 681-0543/640-0278
* The Computer Club BBS      24          3/12/24/96 636-2518
* Computer Junkies BBS       24          3/12/24    693-7303
  The Computer Room          24          12/24/96   635-3712
  Computer Time Online       24          3/12/24/96 682-1619
> Computer Wizard BBS        24          3/12/24.96 256-2574
  Creative Multimedia Corp.  24          3/12/24/96 241-1573
* Crimson I.C.E.             24          3/12/24/96 591-7701
  Crushed Destiny III        24          3/12/24/96 648-8074
  CryoCafe                   24          3/12/24/96 257-4823
  The Cuckoo's Egg           24          3/12/24/96 777-4931
* Cyber Space                24          3/12/24    654-4645
  CyBorg Systems             24          3/12/24/96 626-8071
  Daring BBS                 24          3/12/24    235-2120
  Dave's Free for All        24          3/12/24/96 761-6432
* Dave's Kingdom             24          24/96      650-5022
  DawgGone Disgusted         24          3/12/24/96 297-9145
* Dead Beat Club             24          3/12/24    233-9168
  Death Lord's Realm         24          3/12/24    297-2911
* Death's Door               24          3/12/24/96 624-5677
  Detox BBS                  24          3/12/24/96 335-8933
  The Digital Amateur        24          3/12/24    359-5111
  Digital Interface          24          12/24/96   624-7904
  Disk Jockey Online         24          12/24/96   636-4947 (multi-line)
  DJO-Net                    24          3/12/24/96 697-4302
* Double Trouble BBS         24          12/24/96   255-3682
? Down Home Funk BBS, Inc.   24          3/12/24    774-7330 (multi-line)
  Dragonmaster Support BBS   24          3/12/24    648-5541
* The Dragon's Cave          24          3/12/24    632-8057
> Dragons Den                24          12/24/96   492-1685/669-1684
  Druid's Keep               24          3/12/24    520-9763
  Eastside Data Services     24          3/12/24/96 761-3003
> EastSide (Node 2)          24          12         760-4521
  ECCO COM                   24          12/24/96   775-6099
  Electric Windows           24          3/12/24/96 645-4623
  Electronic Publishers      24          3/12/24/96 624-4966 (multi-line)
  Electronic T.L.C.          24          3/12/24/96 232-4089
  Elvira's Pinnacle Club     24          3/12/24    286-5577
  Enigma                     24          3/12/24/96 232-6213
> Entropy Associates         24          3/12/24/96 636-9931
  EpiscoBoard                24          3/12/24    640-4467
  Et Cetera BBS              24          3/12/24/96 663-1459
  ET SCRIBE<M>               24          3/12/24/96 625-7752
  ET SCRIBE/PPCUG            24          3/12/24    625-2421
  Event Horizons             24          12/24/96   697-5100 (multi-line)
> Excalibur                  24          12/24/96   232-1948
* The Exchange Club BBS      24          12/24/96   659-4603
  Exclamation                24          3/12/24/96 231-8841
  Extreme Books BBS          24          3/12/24/96 288-3960
  Extreme Dreames            24          3/12/24    775-0374
> The Fading Abyss           24          3/12/24    760-0573
* The Falcon's Nest          24          3/12/24/96 285-0625
* The Family Play Ground     24          12/24      255-6394
  Fly By Night BBS           24          24/96      245-6156
  The Flying Party BBS       24          3/12/24    492-4602
  Forecast Midnight          24          3/12/24    669-3738
  Freak Scene                24          12/24      223-4504
> The Funny Farm             24          12/24/96   697-0845
  The Garden Pond            24          12/24/96   735-3074
  Gates of Creation          24          12/24      288-1386
* Gay Agenda Resistance      24          3/12/24    292-3305
* GayNet BBS                 24          3/12/24/96 295-0877
* Gecco's Tropical Paradise  24          3/12/24    645-8845
  The Golden Dragon          24          3/12/24    284-8362
  The Graphic Connection     24          12/24/96   591-8412 (multi-line)
  The Halls of Antoki        24          3/12/24/96 699-9532
  Hal's Haven BBS            24          12/24      297-8528
  HARDWARE WARS!             24          3/12/24/96 646-4853
  The Heartbeat of Portland  24          3/12/24    236-4945 (multi-line)
  The Heartbeat of Portland  24          3/12/24/96 236-0074
  Heath/Zenith BBS           24          3/12/24    282-0154
  Hell Raiser                24          3/12/24    693-9619
  Hide Away BBS              24          24/96      640-4321
  Hi Tech Tools/Librarians   24          3/12/24/96 245-4961
  Homicide BBS               24          12/24/96   357-1231
  Images                     24          12/24/96   649-1011
  Imladris BBS               24          3/12/24/96 233-2116
  Improbability Drive        24          3/12/96    643-6536
  Info/PDX                   24          3/12/24/96 620-6642
  Information Anxiety BBS    24          3/12/24/96 635-4386
  Information Anxiety node 2 24          3/12/24    635-1443
  Integrated Media Serv. I   24          12/24/96   254-2817
  Integrated Media Serv. II  24          3/12/24    254-2692
  Intel's PCED Product Sup.  24          3/12/24/96 645-6275 (multi-line)
  IPERA DataSys Ltd.         24          3/12       644-7316
  The Iron Wall              24          3/12/24    761-3965
  Jim's Room                 24          3/12       254-6011
  Jobs_BBS                   24          3/12/24/96 281-6808
  Joyful Noise/NewLife Forum 24          24/96      335-3053/335-9600
  KATU Weather Center        24          3/12/24    231-5555
  The Keep                   24          3/12/24/96 786-0458/786-4013
  Key 880 BBS                24          12/24/96   524-0670
  Key Connection             24          3/12/24    775-3291
  Key Connection (Node 2)    24          3/12/24/96 774-8974
  Keystone Information       24          12/24/96   232-6085
  La Creme Miserable         24          3/12/24/96 228-8587
  The Landing Zone           24          3/12/24/96 775-1554
> Land of the Gypsy's        24          3/12/24/96 297-0626/292-5711
* The Last Chance            24          3/12/24    286-3092
  LINC BBS                   24          3/12/24/96 228-7599
  The Lost Cause BBS         24          3/12/24/96 691-9702
  m2xenix (no BBS)           24          3/12/24/96 297-0935/297-3211
  Mac Aloha                  24          3/12/24/96 591-5695
  The Machine                24          24/96      236-3266
* Mach Speed Computers       24          12/24/96   671-0324
> MacStudio                  24          12/24/96   283-6492
  Mad BBS                    24          12/24/96   659-9691
  Main Street                24          3/12/24    735-9059 (multi-line)
  Maker BBS                  24          3/12/24    254-7094
  The Matrix                 24          3/12/24/96 684-5516
  Matt's Mad House           24          3/12/24    254-6017
  METNET Weather Hub         24          12/24/96   725-3948
  MICROBITS                  24          3/12/24    775-4296
  Mike's Mansion             24          3/12/24/96 760-3777
  Milliway's                 24          3/12/24/96 357-4669
  Mind Game                  24          3/12/24    761-7462
  Misbehavin's Den           24          3/12/24/96 324-0173
  Missing Persons League     24          3/12/24/96 645-5996
  Moe's Place                24          12/24/96   285-6615
  My Addiciton               24          3/12/24/96 230-0672
  NAG                        24          12/24/96   228-5618 (multi-line)
  Nagel's Gallery            24          3/12/24    244-8973
  National Indian Forestry   24          3/12/24/96 231-2216
  Nero's Bloody Vengeance    24          12/24/96   666-4483
  NES BBX                    24          3/12/24/96 640-4614
  NES BBX                    24          3/12/24/96 640-9337/640-4262
> Network 23                 24          3/12/24    246-1711
> The Neverending BBS        24          12/24/96   492-2051
* Noah's Kitchen             24          3/12/24/96 788-1205
  North Beacon               24          3/12/24/96 629-9238
  North Keep BBS             24          3/12/24    289-4872
  NW Computer Support        24          12/24/96   620-5910 (multi-line)
  N.W. Family History BBS    24          3/12/24/96 657-6578
  NorthWestern Genealogy     24          3/12/24/96 692-0927
  OATC CAD/CAM BBS           24          3/12/24/96 682-4172 (multi-line)
  O.M.S.I. BBS               24          3/12/24/96 797-4683
  On-Line Mutual Fund NwsLtr 24          3/12/24/96 244-8535
  On Target BBS              24          3/12/24    282-0893
  OrCAD Technical Support    24          12/24/96   690-9791/690-9612
  The Organ BBS              24          3/12/24/96 786-4178
* Our Board                  24          3/12/24/96 641-6091
  OutBack BBS                24          3/12/24    283-7620
  The Outlet BBS             24          3/12/24/96 648-6462
* The Overlord's Realm       24          3/12/24    684-9406
  Overworked Dragon          24          3/12/24/96 256-8451
> PANUG BBS                  24          12/24      227-2803
> PANUG BBS (9600 bps)       24          96         227-2957
? PARIS                      24          3/12/24    629-8676
  PCC BBS                    24          3/12/24    452-4986
  P.C. Bigjoe BBS            24          12/24/96   254-5080
  PC Point BBS               24          3/12/24/96 646-0868
> PCs Made Easy BBS          24          3/12/24/96 639-4135
  PC Support Advisor         24          3/12/24/96 297-9043
  PC Zone                    24          3/12/24/96 639-5839
  The PDX Connection         24          3/12/24    224-2013
  PEGBoard 4                 24          3/12/24/96 239-4032 (multi-line)
  Phil's Toy                 24          12/24/96   590-0887
  PMUG BBS                   24          12/24      241-9641
  Portland Express BBS       24          3/12/24    244-3254
  Powell's Tech. Bookstore   24          3/12/24/96 228-0807
  ProCom BBS                 24          3/12/24    292-1190
  Project: AMERICA           24          3/12/24    760-6920
* Project X                  24          3/12/24/96 698-4200
  Prometheus Prod Tech Sup   24          12/24/96   691-5199
  Puddle City BBS            24          3/12/24/96 289-9429
  PUNN BBS                   24          3/12/24    693-6913
> QuarterFlash               24          12/24/96   245-2135/245-2113
  RainyDay RiBBS             24          3/12/24    663-6795
  R.A.I.N.                   24          12/24      695-3250 (multi-line)
  R.A.I.N. [V32/V42b]        24          12/24/96   695-3267 (multi-line)
  Realm Alternate Eternities 24          3/12/24/96 649-7915
  Reason's Retreat           24          12/24      666-2574
* Rebel Space                24          12/24      775-7735
  Recovery Northwest         24          3/12/24/96 631-7638
  Rendezvous BBS             24          3/12/24    777-0601 (multi-line)
  Rip City BBS               24          3/12/24    238-9750
  Road Kill Cafe             24          3/12/24    760-1502
> Robison Data Systems       24          3/12/24/96 240-1851
> Rose City BBS              24          12/24/96   257-7264/257-7341
  RUNETREE BBS               24          3/12/24/96 245-3233
  R.V. Test Center           24          3/12/24    254-0695
> Sadie's Swingshift         24          3/12/24/96 245-2006 (multi-line)
> Sanitarium BBS             24          3/12/24/96 591-7438
  SCP Services BBS           24          3/12/24/96 648-9145
  Sea Breeze BBS (node 3)    24          3/12/24/96 289-5257
  Sea Breeze (node 1 & 2)    24          3/12/24/96 286-0931/286-2802
  Seismic Anomaly            24          3/12/24    640-1261,,22,22,22
  Sherri L. Knobel Memorial  24          3/12/24/96 244-5711
  Ship to Shore BBS          24          3/12/24    297-9073
  The Simulated Planet       24          3/12/24    284-7562
  Sir Toby's Den             24          3/12/24    292-6543
  Slick's BBS                24          3/12/24/96 284-7953
  Sma2 Pro-Gun (Unix)        24          12/24      252-0063
  SMI's 3X/400 BBS           24          12/24/96   285-9907
* Spam Cafe                  24          3/12/24    286-5843
  Spectrum BBS               24          3/12/24/96 598-0692
> A Star Trek Board          24          3/12/24    786-9940
  STEP BBS                   24          3/12/24/96 297-6542
  The Swamp Rat BBS          24          12/24/96   524-8613
  Synaesthesia BBS           24          12/24/96   231-4135/233-1246
  techbook                   24          12/24      220-0636 (multi-line)
  The Techno Zone            24          3/12/24    625-5227
  TeleGodzilla               24          3/12/24/96 621-3746
  That BBS                   24          3/12/24/96 657-8955 (multi-line)
* The Theory of Kaos         24          3/12/24    635-3138
  Tim's Board                24          3/12/24/96 598-9232
  Tiny Tim's Big Access      24          3/12/24    282-1928
  Trade Winds [Line 1]       24          12/24/96   297-4070
  Trade Winds [Line 2]       24          24/96      297-8667
* Trading Post BBS           24          3/12/24/96 293-1132
  Tweak Computer Support     24          24/96      643-8396
  Twisted Sky BBS            24          3/12/24    289-5387
  Two Rivers BBS             24          3/12/24/96 285-7103
* The Universal Joint        24          3/12/24    240-1943
  Universe of Technology     24          12/24/96   649-2684
* Utopias BBS                24          12/24/96   286-0893/286-1022
* Virtual Reality            24          3/12/24    240-6994
* The Void - OS/2            24          24/96      251-3743
  Wally World                24          3/12/24/96 786-2869
  Wandering Wolf's Den BBS   24          3/12/24/96 246-3684
  The Warzone                24          12/24      771-1850
  Welcome to Mexico          24          3/12/24    681-8021
  Wilma Morgel's BBS         24          3/12/24/96 287-7091
* Winky's Place              24          12/24/96   777-1549
  The Wireless BBS           24          12/24/96   692-7097
  Wonder Works BBS           24          12/24/96   287-9560
  Woodchuck's Treehouse      24          3/12/24    649-8006
  ZepNet BBS                 24          12/24      761-3367

PART-TIME SYSTEMS (From the Bit Bucket Part-Time List)
* Bryon's BBS                6P-6A       3/12/24    253-8759
  COMP-U-PLANT               8A-8P       3/12/24    650-6494
* Irillian Bye the Sea       11P-9A      12/24/96   630-6694
* Lawoosh BBS                5:30P-8A    12/24/96   761-8573
* On-Site PC Services BBS    3P-8A       3/12/24    287-6029
* The Red Barons Hideway     NOTE A      12/24      245-2369
* Starless Night BBS         9P-9A       3/12/24    287-0354
*!Starship Heart of Gold     8P-11:30A   12/24      282-5890

  * - New or returning system.
  > - Changes in name, phone number, hours or baud rate.
  ! - System is temporarily offline - see long lists for more
  ? - System is questionable - may be intermittant or not
       operating, but no official notice of out-of-service
       status has been received.
  Speed Legend
   3 -  300  bps
  12 - 1200  bps  (Bell 212A)
  24 - 2400  bps  (CCITT)
  96 - 9600+ bps  (HST, PEP, V32, V32bis; See Long List for more info)
  NOTE A: Online 7:30 PM - 10:30 AM