Description of the Textfile
aero1.asc | 33444
| Mystery Airships of the 1800's Part 1 (October 29, 1991)
aero2.asc | 24113
| Mystery Airships of the 1800's Part 2 (November 8, 1991)
aero3.asc | 23719
| Mystery Airships of the 1800's Part 3 (November 8, 1991)
aero4.asc | 18741
| The 1896 Sky Show by Ted Rathbone (November 26, 1991)
aero5.asc | 25374
| The Great Airship Inventors: Fact and Fancy (December 1, 1991)
aero6.asc | 22700
| Did Pennington Build the 1897 USA Airship? (December 3, 1991)
aero7.asc | 14348
| The Riddle of Dellshau and his Esoteric Books (February 15, 1992)
aero8.asc | 19486
| NYMZA Aeros: The Airships of the 1850's (February 15, 1992)
aero9.asc | 20874
| Dellshau and Other Aeronauts, by Jimmy Ward and P.G. Navarro (February 15, 1992)
antigrv1.asc | 3437
| Anti-Gravity?
antimatt.asc | 1594
| Trapping Antimatter, by karl West
ball1.asc | 4227
| The Latest on the Controlled Generation of Ball Lightning from Electronics World (August 24, 1990)
bc_grav1.asc | 9538
| Concentric Universal Gravitation, the Absence of Dark Matter, and the Structure of the Universe, by Brian Crabtree (June 22, 1991)
biebrn1.asc | 8656
| The Biefield-brown Anti-Gravity Effect (December 27, 1990)
biebrn2.asc | 3764
| Characteristics of the Biefield-Brown Effect (December 27, 1990)
bielek1.asc | 17485
| Mufo Metroplex Presents The Philadephia Experiment, by Al Bielek (January 13, 1990)
brown1.asc | 19214
| The Brown Patent for Electrostatic Propulsion/Levitation (April 17, 1991)
brown2.asc | 23398
| Townsend Brown and his Anti-Gravity Discs by Gaston Burridge (May 5, 1991)
brown3.asc | 36768
| Patent Granted to T.T. Brown for Distorting or Taking Advantage of Gravity (June 27, 1992)
brown5.asc | 2589
| The T.T. Brown Papers on Gravity (April 20, 1994)
brown6.asc | 19274
| Some Thoughts on Brown's Work on Gravity Manipulation (July 2, 1995)
carr1.asc | 4637
| A Gravity Machine? (January 31, 1991)
carr2.asc | 8208
| The Saucer that Didn't Fly, by W. E. Du Soir (January 31, 1991)
cfg1.asc | 9711
| Charge Fluctuations as a Possible origin of Biefeld-Brown Effects by Darrell Moffitt (August 25, 1991)
clark.asc | 10218
| Soft Particle Physics: The Erroneous Basic Assumption of General Relativity, by Richard L. Clark (May 21, 1993)
clark1.asc | 6349
| Gravity Notes, by Richard L. Clark, Ph.D. (May 21, 1993)
clark9.asc | 4663
| Ancient Applications of Particle Beam Weaponry, by Robert L. Clark (September 2, 1993)
compres.asc | 3677
| Gravity Compression Theory by James E. Hartman (April 2, 1993)
compuls1.asc | 15650
| Radiational Theory of Gravitation and Structure of Matter, Gravitation as an Inexhaustible Source of Energy (September 19, 1994)
compuls2.asc | 9698
| Radiational Theory of Gravitation (September 19, 1994)
compuls3.asc | 9087
| Projects of Experimental Verification of Our New Explanation of Gravitation and Its Utilization in Practice (September 19, 1994)
cpedog.asc | 9667
| Casimir Potentials, Electromagnetic Density Oscillations and Gravitation, by Darrell Moffitt (August 30, 1991)
dnaasp.asc | 6657
| The Levitating Gyroscope by Professor Eric Laithwaite (April 20, 1994)
drive1.asc | 13217
| How to Generate Mechanical Momentum from Elcosed Electromagnetic Energy Only (October 26, 1990)
eddiepro.asc | 6527
| Eddie Current Propulsion (December 24, 1992)
electro1.asc | 6463
| Electro-Aerodynamics by Phillipp Diehl (December 3, 1993)
entebbe.asc | 11069
| Israel's Secret Weapon? A Toronto Inventor May Hold the Key to Entebbe, by David Jones (September 25, 1992)
farrow.asc | 4952
| Reduction of Weight Using a Hertzian Wave Generator (January 5, 1994)
frolov3.asc | 6337
| Electrogravity (December 27, 1995)
ftl1.asc | 5100
| Through the Light barrier by Bob Jones (April 21, 1991)
galli1.asc | 15330
| Hydrostatic Space-Time and Gravitational Monitors Monitoring Space/Time Stresses by J.G. Gallimore (March 8, 1992)
grav1.asc | 7505
| Conquest of Space by G. Harry Stine (June 28, 1991)
grav10.asc | 10786
| The Man Who Defied Gravity (July 18, 1994)
grav2.asc | 15341
| Spaceships that Conquer Gravity by Michael Gladych (June 28, 1991)
grav3.asc | 28188
| All About Gravitational Waves by Gregory Hodowanec (June 28, 1991)
grav4.asc | 8766
| odic-Activity Rays (August 25, 1991)
grav5.asc | 6523
| Could Newton's 300-Year-Old Law of Gravity Finally Be Succumbing to Age? (October 6, 1991)
grav6.asc | 34076
| The Higgs Field (October 6, 1991)
grav7.asc | 10929
| Discovery of the Second Law of Gravitation by Craig Gunnufson (October 6, 1991)
grav8.asc | 5618
| Thrust from ElectroGravitics (February 22, 1992)
grav9.asc | 6336
| Gravitational Laser Shoots Through Walls by John H. Lyst (March 8, 1992)
gravity1.asc | 4074
| Notes on UFOs and the Biefeld/Brown Effect
gravity2.asc | 23757
| A Different Point of View on Gravity Electronics Resonance by John R. Majka (October 17, 1990)
gravity3.asc | 22043
| Gravity Resonance? What is this Nut Talking About? (October 17, 1990)
gravity4.asc | 48373
| Can Gravity Be induced? by Stephen Paul Goodfellow (October 21, 1990)
gravity5.asc | 4752
| Garden Shed Genius Heads for the Stars by Michael Shanahan (October 26, 1990)
gravity6.asc | 15640
| Roll Over, Isaac Newton by Kathy Jackson (April 17, 1991)
gravity7.asc | 11678
| A Letter to the Editor of Flying Saucer Magazine (April 21, 1991)
gravity8.asc | 7243
| Letter to the Editor of Flying Saucers (Aptil 21, 1991)
gravity9.asc | 2994
| British Scientists to Search for "Anti-Gravity" Force (April 21, 1991)
gravitya.asc | 13046
| UFO Propulsion? by A. Steel (May 2, 1991)
gravwave.asc | 8402
| Gravity, from Rex Smith (December 26, 1995)
groundef.asc | 4738
| A New Concept in Flight (November 20, 1994)
holt1.asc | 19383
| The Field Resonance Propulsion Concept by Alan C. Holt (September 26, 1995)
holt2.asc | 5372
| Nasa and Gravity Paper from Bill Beaty (December 27, 1995)
hummel.asc | 16842
| The Hummel Levity Disk (June 26, 1995)
ion1.asc | 5881
| The Ion-Thruster Operation (August 3, 1990)
ion2.asc | 3661
| Applications of the Auxiliary Propulsion Ion Thruster (August 3, 1990)
ion3.asc | 3282
| Primary Propulsion from the NASA BBS (August 3, 1990)
ion4.asc | 3033
| Power processing of Ion thrusters (August 3, 1990)
laith1.asc | 5398
| Scientist says Invention Can Defy Gravity (August 25, 1991)
leed1.asc | 18914
| Coral Castle: a 20th Century Wonder (February 20, 1991)
leed2.asc | 12918
| Politics, by Ed Leedskalnin (February 20, 1991)
majorde1.asc | 20913
| Major De Seversky' Ion-Propelled Aircraft, by hans Fantel (December 13, 1994)
matrixag.asc | 7002
| Jueneman: On UFO Propulsion (February 18, 1994)
meissner.asc | 12208
| Dreams of Levitation (July 8, 1995)
mhdaero.asc | 11646
| Magneto-Hydrodynamic Aerodynes (September 9, 1995)
nazi1.asc | 35783
| Foo Fighters and the Kugleblitz by Al Pinto
nazi2.asc | 15916
| UFOs: Alien or Man Made? By Al Pinto
nipperep.asc | 3116
| New Gravitation Theory (October 4, 1993)
philad1.asc | 14679
| The Philadelphia Experiment (The Invisible Ship Experiment) by Alex Saunders
philad2.asc | 12908
| Messages from the Bill Cooper BBS (February 22, 1992)
piggott.asc | 14054
| Overcoming Gravitation by George S. Piggott (July 5, 1993)
planarc.asc | 8697
| Radio Waves, Sunspots and Planets, by Saunder Harris
plasma1.asc | 17170
| Plasma Airships from the Nazis (December 14, 1990)
plasma2.asc | 10903
| Methods Toward a Fusion Reactor Through Magnetic Confinement and Heating (December 27, 1990)
pzt1.asc | 22074
| The Pressure Zone Theory (PZT) by Jerry W. Decker (July 15, 1991)
rusgrav.asc | 7500
| Studying the Work of Walter Russell in Energy and Matter (May 22, 1994)
sat1.asc | 7520
| Artificial Satellites 9August 3, 1990)
sat2.asc | 21027
| Information on the FLTSATCOMLAUNCH KSC 81-90 (August 3, 1990)
saucsong.asc | 20107
| Saucers for a Song (August 30, 1989)
searle1.asc | 9535
| John Searl and His Flying Disks: A Personal Commentary by Anders Heerfordt (April 7, 1991)
searle2.asc | 5316
| Visiting the home of John Searl (June 23, 1991)
searle3.asc | 34386
| Antigravity: The Dream Made Reality by John A. Thomas, Jr. (August 6, 1994)
slowtime.asc | 9956
| Experimentation on Time Dialation Effects Reported to Occur with high Speed Rotating Mases by Norman Wootan and Bert Pool (January 16, 1994)
spaclink.asc | 5324
| How to Use NASA Spacelink (Information File)
stargat1.asc | 8882
| Determining a Destination from a Symbol from Stargate (December 19, 1995)
statpwr.asc | 20175
| The Space Station Power System (August 7, 1990)
stowgrad.asc | 8027
| Electro-Dynamics and its Application to Propulsion (December 19, 1995)
t-brown1.asc | 5717
| Biefield/Brown Propulsion Explained? By Terry Bastian (April 2, 1993)
tachtime.asc | 5258
| Speculations on the Properties of Time (May 9, 1995)
tachyon1.asc | 21340
| Topic of the Symposium (Tachyon Field) by Dr. Hans A. Nieper (December 29, 1990)
tachyon2.asc | 34080
| The Tachyon Field (December 30, 1990)
tedgrav.asc | 24456
| On Gravitation by o. Tedenstig (September 2, 1993)
tessgrav.asc | 4406
| How Does a Flying Saucer Fly? by Ross Tessien (December 19, 1995)
torch.asc | 10658
| With the Flying Torch to the Stars (June 27, 1992)
ufotech1.asc | 36876
| UFO Technology: Desmond Leslie's Technical Comments (April 2, 1993)
vimana1.asc | 6507
| India Had a Superior Civilization (December 24, 1992)
wachpres.asc | 22834
| Free Flying Magnetic Levitator by herb Wachspress (July 12, 1995)
warpsurf.asc | 7257
| SpaceTime Hypersurfing by Michael Szpir (November 20, 1994)
wright1.asc | 18912
| Walter Wright: Researching of the PUSH Gravity Concept (February 15, 1992)
zone1.asc | 19741
| The Zone of Silence and Other Related Information from P.G. Navarro and Jimmy Ward (November 29, 1991)