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     " Across The Nation,People are abusing,and too often dying from "
                 " The Effects Of These Dangerous Drugs! "

:Just Some Info On The Most Commonly Used Drugs,And The Effects That They:
                  :Can Cause In The Short And Long Term:

   A N G E L  D U S T , C R A C K , G R A S S , I C E , J U N K , E C T.
-" Quotes "-

 "We have between 15,000 and 16,000 heroin abusers" " Marijuana is not the
harmless drug,like many people would like to imagine" "Cocaine is known as
the most psychologically addicting drug known to human beings" "Many Crimes
Of violence have been done under the influence of PCP" "The high from one
hit of ice can last from 12 to 20 hours"


 Heroin is sold in whats know as quarter teaspoons,which can cost anywhere
from $20 to $40 depending on the purity. Of this quarter teaspoon,which is
a volume measurement,approximately 4 to 8 percent is actually true heroin;
the rest is adulterated or cut with things like TALC, SUGAR, STARCH,or even
laundry detergent.
These days we are seeing younger people who are addicted to heroin.Patients
in withdrawl from heroin show what we call "Blue Light Symptoms." The eyes
water; the nose runs; patients complain of generalized muscle cramps all
over the body. They also complain of abdominal cramping,which can progress
nausea or vomiting. Later symptoms may include such things as joint pains,
especially in the elbows and the knees,and insomnia.
 As far as personality, these patients become very anxious,very irritable,
very demanding. Usually the withdrawl will last five days,but even up to a
month, depending on the purity of what they were using.
They also experience increased blood preasure and weight loss. Heroin users
usually inject,mainly in the veins in their arms. They also now inject in
the veins in their necks,and femals inject in the breast vessels. There are
also the few who inject heroin into the groin area and get real bad
Right now needles are hard to get;they sell for about $3 each. So heroin
users are taking old needles ,which are contaminated,washing them out with
water,putting them back in the packets they came in, and selling them as
new. Now there are lots of heroin addicts comming into hospitals H.I.V.
positive,because they are unaware that they are getting used needles.
When the hospitals inject medication,they inject the solution straight into
the vein or the muscle.
 However,heroin injectors have the solution of heroin in the syringe, push
it in halfway,retract either on the plunger or on the bulb of the syringe
to mix the blood up in the syringe,and then reinject it. This is why heroin
addicts get so many multiple infections when they share needles; they are
mixing each other's blood together.


  Marijuana is right now the third most abused drug. The purity in the past
15 years has increased from .5 percent of THC,the active ingredient in
marijuana which causes the high. Growers have now developed new strands and
grow it scientifically to increase the potency;some preparations are up to
10 percent of THC. In an unburned joint of marijuana,reserchers have found
421 diffrent chemicals. When a person lights this joint of marijuana and
combusts it,it increases to 2,000 diffrent chemicals that the person is now
smoking at any given time, including some that can cause cancer. So this is
not a harmless drug like many people would like to imagine.
The problem with marijuana is that its dangerous effects arn't visible for
a long period of time. Maybe even after 10-20 years of smoking it.
Also users build up a tolerance to marijuana,so they need to smoke more and
more. Furthermore many people engage in "Stair-Stepping"  Marijuana doesn't
work for them anymore,so they begin to use more potent drug. Of course
there's also the problem of lung damage.
 People who smoke marijuana don't enhale and blow it out like they would
cigarette smoke;they hold it in their lungs as long as they can to get the
high. So they are actually causing much more damage to their lungs from the
inhalation of all those 2,000 chemicals.
Right now marijuana is drying up on the streets.The dealers are now taking
it off the market to make PCP,which they then spray on the marijuana. So
marijuana is really considered a dangerous drug.


 The water soluble cocaine is either inhaled or ingested through any mucous
membrane or injected. That's why people can snort it or taste it in their
mouths. Adding the basic substance to that powder,converts it into little
crystals known as crack or free base. Free base is only fat soluble,so
users can only smoke it.
 The little sacs of the lungs are linned with fatty tissue,which readily
absorbs crack. When smoked,crack reaches the brain within seven seconds.
When users smoke crack,they say the feeling is equilivent to a sexual
orgasm. In a human being a sexual orgasm lasts about 30 seconds where the
orgasmic crack high lasts about 10 minutes,and it's repeatable over and
over again. This is what causes the cycle of addiction.
  Crack smokers get a feeling of euphoria,as if they are on top of the
world, but this will only last 10 to 15 minutes. Then the euphoria fades
away into what's know as dysphoria. The users become very uncomfortable,
depressed,angry,anxious. Since they have an intense craving to repeat this
pleasurable process,they will go out and do anything...prostitute,steal,
pawn anything,use their entire pay check or welfare checks,just to achieve
this high. It is extimated right now that 50 percent of all crimes and
violence perpetrated in this city were done under the influence of cocaine.
Cocaine is known as the most potent drug.This is why we have major problems
in this country and others.
Presently there is no treatment for cocaine. All there is,is group therapy
and have such things as cocaine annonymous.


  Amphetamines had a rise in the late sixties and early seventies,and then
somewhat died out until a year ago,and a new drug known as "ICE" came out.
This drug is so recent that there are no real journal articles on it. Ice,
which comes from Hawaii(and maybe even further from the phillipines or
Korea),is a smokable form of amphetamines. Amphetamines are sold legally,in
a pill form and in a liquid form;now Ice is an Illicit form,in a little tin
foil package.
 Amphetamines can be inhaled,swallowed or injected,and now its producers
have found a way to crystalize it into the smokable form known as ICE. With
one bit of crack the one hit can last from 10 to 15 minutes. With ice,the
high from one hit can last from 12 to 20 hours. In a number of cases,people
have died from overdose of Ice. Also, a number of users who have tried to
come down from this drug have become suicidal and homicidal.
 There are alot of cardiac problems with Ice,as well as crack cocaine. The
drug covers the little vessels of the coronary arteries that go to the
heart and supply the heart with blood. Those arteries constrict,causing
heart attacks.
There are patients in there young 20's whose hearts resemble those of
people in their 50's and 60's who have had heart attacks.


  Washington D.C. is known as the PCP capital of the United States because
there are more illicit PCP labs there than anywhere else in the country.
PCP is a very dangerous drug because it is both water and fat soluble. In
other words,any way a person gets it in his or her body,it will be
absorbed. PCP can be snorted or inhaled,put in a pill form and swallowed,
sprayed on any medium and smoked. In lots of places dealers spray PCP on
their marijuana and sell it.
 People high on PCP either end up overdosed,where they become kind of
robotic in their movements and behavious,or they act crazier than crazy.
Many crimes of violence have been done under the influence of PCP. Many
patients,after they have come off the so-called high,have no memory of what
occured or what happened to them. When people smoke PCP,the high comes on
in two to five minutes,peaks at about 20 minutes,and takes 24 to 48 hours
to come back to so called normall.
PCP actually stores in the fatty tissue of the body. So a person can have
PCP psychosis many days after he or she has stopped smoking it. There has
been some cases that last up to two weeks. Where people have a
predisposition to so called nervous breakdowns,PCP can actually put them
into the breakdown. In many cases they never come back to normal, so alot
of the times they have to be on antipsychotic mediction for the rest of
their lives.


  Besides these individualy drugs,we're seeing combinations. Users are now
smoking what's known as moon rock,heroin and crack together. It's also
known as the hamburger or the sandwich. They actually put a layer of crack
in a pipe,then a layer of heroin,then another layer of crack on top.
These users are overdosing on heroin,and many of them are dying. Users also
smoke combinations of PCP and crack known as Bazooka. There are also combi-
nations of ice and crack together. Other people are snorting cocaine and
smoking crack. So there are alot of mixtures of these drugs;in fact, not
many people just use one drug. About 95 percent of the heroin addicts use a
speedball mixture,heroin and cocaine together.


  I'm totally against the legalization of any drugs,including marijuana,
because that's the first drug they're talking about legalizing. If we try
to legalize marijuana,for instance,we're going to see a big political fight
because six factions want to control the marijuana trade in this country:
(1).The pharmaceutical companies say it's a drug,so they want to control
it. (2).The alcohol and beverage industry says it wants to control it.
(3).The drug stores say they want to control it. (4).The cigarette industry
already has patented names,brand names,ready to package and sell marijuana
if we make it legal.(5).State Goverment wants to sell it or to have control
to get tax money. (6). Of course,the national goverment wants a piece of
the revenue generated. Also growers (even though it's an illegal buisness,
it's one of the biggest buisness' in the country.) want to be licenced
because they know about traficking and distribution of this drug. They want
to control the drug if it becomes legal.
 I'm afraid that if we make one drug legal,cocaine and the rest could
follow. This would be losing "The War On Drugs" It would be a surrender as
far as I'm concerned.
  The other danger is that many people who don't use drugs now may try the
legal drug. Those who are going to use drugs,whether legal or illegal,will
use the drugs. However I'm afraid that a group of people who would try it
just because it now would be legal. So I'm totally against legalization!

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