Somehow, always found myself here and there on different Ham Radio BBSs, where interesting Ham Radio stuff abounded. The whole Ham Radio thing passed me completely, so I don't really have any insightful information on this community, other than that Ham Radio BBSes were everywhere, and that most of the files in this directory are either Frequency Lists or instructions on how to modify every radio under the sun to pick up cellular phone frequencies.
A quick note on that, which I do know. The government decided to outlaw the ability of ham radios to listen to the 800-900Mhz radio band, because this was allocated to Cell Phones. This angered the Ham Radio community so much (after all, the broadcasting was going on all over ANYWAY) that mod files, clipping this wire or taking out this or that chip to fix this "limitation" were ubiquitous. Freedom uber alles.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
FREQUENCIES | Files Giving Lists of Ham Radio Frequencies | |
MODIFICATIONS | Files Recounting How to Modify Scanners and Radios for Increased Reception | |
200xltrev.ham | 15687 | Uniden/Bearcat 200xlt Scanner Review, by Bob Parnass, AJ9S (July 21, 1988) |
2mquad.txt | 5041 | A Four Element Quad from the Fullerton Radio Club |
3rdpartynts.ham | 1491 | Countries with which the United States Shares Third-Party Traffic Agreements (July 1987) |
42290rtc.ham | 11392 | Chat Regarding improving Scanner Listening (April 22, 1990) |
800trunk.txt | 14369 | Public Safety Trunking Systems: An Overview by John W. Reed (May 30, 1990) |
adv-pool.ham | 164787 | ASCII Text Version of the Amateur Advanced Class Question Pool |
afonenew.ham | 3137 | Monitoring Air Force One Communications: The End of an Era (August 31, 1990) |
allband.txt | 10594 | Converting to an All-Band Transmit Facility in Emergencies |
alpine.txt | 11302 | Hacking the Alpine 1310 CD Shuttle Control, by Ole Buzzard (November 15, 1993) |
amp_5.txt | 5848 | Schematics for a 25-200MHz / 8-45W Amplifier |
amtrakdoc.ham | 2048 | Amtrak police Codes |
anarc.ham | 3967 | Association of North American Radio Clubs (ANARC) List (July 5, 1989) |
anarc10.ham | 3203 | The Lists of Broadcasts of the Voice of the Flemish Community in Belgium |
anarc11.ham | 1658 | Addresses of FCC-Licensed International Broadcasting Stations (December 4, 198) |
anarc12.ham | 17242 | What is Shortwave Radio? |
anarc13.ham | 18357 | Information About the Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts |
anarc3.ham | 11017 | Christian Science Monitor Schedule (September 24, 1990) |
anarc5.ham | 13953 | Voice of American Transmission Schedule, September 30, 1990-March 30, 1991 |
anarc6.ham | 1700 | Radio Canada International English Language Schedule (March 25-September 29, 199) |
anarc7.ham | 24149 | BBC World Service Schedule |
anarc8.ham | 6677 | Radio Sweden Listing for September 30, 1990 to March 30, 1991 |
antenna1scn.ham | 3584 | Setting Up a Scanner's Radio |
antennas.9x | 8390 | 9X: The Pirate Radio Survival Guide by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
aor3000.ham | 7441 | First Impressions on the Lastest Scanner by Authority on Radio: The AOR AR 3000 (July 24, 1990) |
aortest.ham | 23060 | The Authority on Radio AOR3000 Scanner by Nigel ballard (September 10, 1990) |
aosc_fbi.ham | 32267 | System Profile of the Federal Bureau of Investigation |
aosc_fbi.txt | 32267 | A Profile on the Federal Bureau of Investigation by the All Ohio Scanner Club |
ar.ham | 7408 | The AR-1000 Reset Prcedure |
ar1000rvw.ham | 7186 | Review of the AOR AR1000 |
arizon.txt | 7387 | Information on owning a Low power Micro Radio Station by KAPW |
arrlvett.ham | 7763 | Amateur Radio Examination Opportunities (August 9, 1991) |
avoiding.9x | 8756 | 9X: Avoiding Responsibility for Pirate Radio, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
awacs.ham | 617 | Information on AWACS Aircraft |
band.lst | 7084 | High Frequency Band List |
band.txt | 7084 | A High Frequency Guide: The Complete HF Band |
bartg015.txt | 4977 | The British Amateur Radio Teledata Group News Broadcast Service Bulletin #15 (March, 1994) |
bbslist.txt | 64224 | The History of the SetHack BBS by Dave (December 13, 1996) |
bfd.ham | 5114 | Boston Fire Department Incident Type Codes (Basic 901 Coes) |
bfd10.ham | 2046 | Boston Fire Department Special Signals |
bfdunits.ham | 8746 | City of Boston Fire Department Radio System Mobile Unit Call Signs |
biddoc.ham | 4757 | Bulletin Identifiers: A List and Explanation |
blackboo.txt | 91326 | A Pirate and Clandestine Radio Listeners Little Black Book by No One (December 27, 1984) |
brevity.ham | 3425 | Official Brevity Codes Used in the U.K. by Nigel Ballard |
brinks.txt | 1060 | Looking for Rent-A-Cop Frequencies |
bugdetec.txt | 2961 | Bug Detection on Home Phones |
bugging.fre | 3456 | The Bugging Frequencies Used in Las Vegas |
bugging.txt | 7805 | Bugs on a Budget: Inexpensive Surveillance by Data Line (August, 1985) |
bugs.txt | 2461 | Bugs And How to Tap Someone's Room by Fireball |
caducus.txt | 7272 | Plans and Documentation for Crating an omnidirectional Scalar Wave Reciever and Transmitter (April 1, 1987) |
canada.txt | 2703 | New Canadian Low Power Licensing Policy |
carradio.ham | 5726 | How To Hook Up an old Car Radio |
cartrekdoc.ham | 7893 | The Bug Detector! By Ford Prefect |
caught.txt | 22662 | Guide to Hassle-Free Operation of A Pirate Radio Station |
cbbook.txt | 35454 | Crobbfile's CB Radio Reference Guide (Large) |
cell-10.txt | 2975 | A Few Common Scanner Modifications |
cell-11.txt | 5718 | The 40-50mhz Cellular Scanner |
cellroam.txt | 16081 | Cellular Roaming: The New Deals by Karen Kleiner |
chips.ham | 7262 | Scanning the CHiPs: Here's the Update on the California Highway Patrol, by Rick Maslau (September 1990) |
clarifir.ham | 1071 | The HCS Clarifier Update |
clark.ham | 9216 | The Clarke Belt: An overview of Satellites |
clevelandhamnet.txt | 193715 | Greater Cleveland Ohio Area Scanner Frequencies 25 - 1300 MHz by Russell J. Imburgia (March 4, 1999) |
codes.txt | 9008 | Collection of Police Codes Used in Radio |
consumer.ham | 4864 | Some Questions About Owning a Satellite Dish, Answered |
convert.txt | 4246 | Plans For Building a Shortwave Converter |
copcode.txt | 16307 | Police Radio Codes, by Combat Arms (November 26, 1988) |
copcodes.txt | 9452 | Police Call Radio Guide by Hollins Radio Data |
cordless.txt | 2804 | A True Story Of How Cordless Phone Users are Ignorant |
cordlsph.txt | 4024 | Creating a Cordless Phone Antenna, by Adam Gott (August 3, 1989) |
cordmod.txt | 4451 | Cordless Modifications by Bob Kay of Monitoring Times (September 1990) |
cordpriv.txt | 25582 | Cordless Telephones: Bye Bye Privacy! by Tom Kneitel, K2AES |
covspect.txt | 21065 | The Covert Spectrum (Pirate and Secret Broadcasting) by Jim Hougan |
cpd-ten.ham | 3584 | The Charlotte Police Department Official Ten Signals |
cpra9205.txt | 322173 | The CPRA Advisory Committee Listing (May 1, 1992) |
deliverynts.ham | 7621 | Handling Third Party Traffic: The Oldest Tradition in Amateur Radio (July, 1989) |
designts.ham | 3597 | Designators for Third Party Traffic for Ham Radio Operatiors (June, 1989) |
dishnews.ham | 30639 | DISHCETERA: Volume 2, Issue #10 (August 1, 1990) |
dsquelch.ham | 15681 | New Data and Tone Squelch Circuit for the PRO-2004, PRO-2005 and PRO-2006 (November 23, 1990) |
dual-j.txt | 10302 | Building the 2-Meter/70 CM Copper J-Pole Antenna, by Rick Yost N4VQT (October 19, 1992) |
dxband.ham | 4915 | Tuning in the Overlooked Band (29.70-30.00mhz) (July 1989) |
eavesdropping.txt | 10047 | Electronic Eavesdropper by Circle Lord |
ecpa_86doc.ham | 134400 | Notes from Eric Poole, Sysop of the Leo Technology BBS, on the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (October 7, 1988) |
edjpole.txt | 4821 | A Copper Tube J-Pole by Ed Humphries (1994) |
epa86.txt | 132576 | The Electronics Privacy Act of 1986 |
eurpro34.ham | 4864 | Switchabout Euro Mod for the PRO-34 |
exams809.ham | 22409 | Amateur Radio Examination Opportunities |
faqcb1.txt | 28842 | FAQ: Rec.Radio.CB Frequently Asked Questions Part 1 (December 18, 1991) |
fcc_list.txt | 95796 | The R.E.C. and N6UII List of Frequency Allocations from 60Khz to 40GHz Version 1.2 |
fccfiche.ham | 7587 | Some Information on Ordering Microfiche Information from the FCC |
fccknock.txt | 9508 | What to do with the FCC Knocks on your Door |
fccsmr.ham | 68458 | A Whipe Paper on Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) (February 1991) | | 5543 | New York City Fire Department Signals |
fedplate.ham | 2590 | Decoding Federal Government License Plates |
feds.txt | 5149 | Watching the Watcher Watching You, by Sir Knight (Archival Version) |
feedline.9x | 3337 | 9X: Transmission Lines (For Pirate Radio) by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
feedxmtr.9x | 5003 | 9X: Feeding the Transmitter, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
fm-10.txt | 15165 | The WEB8EoH Gizmo Report |
fm-trans.txt | 3021 | A Simple FM Wireless Microphone (Plans) |
fm.txt | 4299 | How to make an FM Wireless Bug by Johnny Rotten of Cryptic Criminals and Elite Justice |
fm_bug.txt | 4520 | How to make an FM Wireless Bug by Johnny Rotten of Cryptic Criminals/Elite Justice Society |
fm_mike.txt | 3949 | Building an FM Microphone |
fm_monitor.txt | 2196 | Making an FM Monitoring Device: Cheap, Small, and Interesting by T.M.M. |
fmradio.txt | 7168 | How to Start a Very Low Power FM Station to Serve Your Immediate Neighborhood |
fmsc2.ham | 3456 | FCC Microfiche Code Listing |
freq.for.phun.1 | 4480 | Frequencies for Phun by Sir Francis Drake (Airline Frequencies) |
freq.txt | 7424 | Surveillance Frequency Selection, from Full Disclosure (1991) |
freqs.9x | 5192 | 9X: Frequencies, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
fruquenc.hac | 9391 | The Idiot's Guide to Radio Technology and Freqing, by ZDNNET Writer #1 and the unknown Freq |
fuzzcode.txt | 15783 | FUZZZZZ Codes II, by the Chemist and TransAmerica (January 15, 1986) |
ge-superrvw.ham | 5246 | Collection of Questions/Answers about the GE Superradio II (September 29, 1991) |
govt-vipuhf.ham | 6144 | More on Nightwatch VIP UHF-Mux Air Ground Circuits by David I Emery |
gre-amprev.ham | 6346 | The GRE America Super Amplifier Product Review (November 1990) |
ground.9x | 6566 | 9X: Station Ground, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
ham06.txt | 4949 | The Basics Behind Radio Hacking |
ham07.txt | 8843 | The Basis Behind Radio Hacking Part II |
hamdef.ham | 2863 | Why Radio Amateurs are Called "Hams" from Florida Skip Magazine: 1959 |
hamfaq.ham | 47416 | Some Frequently Asked Amateur Radio Questions (July 30, 1991) |
haml0490.ham | 31846 | National and Foreign list of Ham and Shortwave Listener BBSes (April 1, 1990) by William G. Poissant |
hamwatsdoc.ham | 4224 | 800 Telephone Number List for HAMs |
hardline.ham | 1152 | qHow to match the Popular 75mhz ohm CATV Hardline to a 50 Ohm Antenna |
headerdoc.ham | 2270 | Why the Packet Radio BBSes Cannot Have Their Headers Changed by Hank |
hierdoc.ham | 19741 | International Routing Designators by Lew Jenkins and David B. Toth |
hmewire.txt | 3541 | List of Frequencies by HME/HM Electronics, Inc. |
how_phon.wor | 32158 | Understanding Telephones by Julian Macassey, Ham Radio Magazine (September 1985) |
howtonts.ham | 12268 | How to Send NTS Messages on Packet Radio (October 11, 1989) |
ic-r10.ham | 1947 | ICOM Introduces the New IC-R100 Advanced Wideband Communications Reciever (January 19, 1990) |
introswl.txt | 18258 | FAQ About Shortwave Radio |
ka-radar.txt | 2683 | An Explanation on Why KA Band Photo Radar Units Are So Hard to Pick Up, And How to Avoid Them |
kdk2016.ham | 2969 | The Scan Defeat during XMIT for KDK-2016A |
kzar.txt | 6498 | Renegade Soundwaves: A Local Pirate Radio Station Add Moxie to a Crowded Radio Market, but the FCC Isn't Impressed, by Ben Fulton (October 13, 1993) |
libradio.txt | 9678 | Mbanna Kantako and the Micro-Radio Movement by Michael Townsend |
life-fli.ham | 8805 | Life Flight: Monitoring the Emergency AeroMedical Service by Laura Quarantiello |
lingods.ham | 4198 | Some Exotic Terms, Code Names, and Slang in use during the Gulf War |
litewave.txt | 8192 | A Lightwave Transmitter and Reciever by Joe Scharf |
m-e-1.ham | 20847 | War of the Words: Who's Right and Who's Wrong? What's Really Going On? Who did What and Why? by Gayle Van Horn (October 1990) |
m-e-2.ham | 16524 | The Gamble in the Gulf: Monitoring World Military Reaction to the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait by larry Van Horn (October 1990) |
m-e-3.ham | 18645 | Global Navies Converge on the Persian Gulf (and you can tune them in) by James T. Pogue (October 1990) |
marsnts.ham | 3350 | Sending Traffic into the MARS networks |
masterfreq.txt | 1873 | The Master Frequency Listing from J.C. (June 30, 1982) |
mb8719.ham | 7045 | A Diagram of the MB8719 Chip used in All the New Radios |
mebcst.ham | 4976 | English Language Broadcasts from the Middle East and Arab World |
metro.ham | 3378 | Metro Radio Servce Codes (10 Codes, Extended) |
mgrdutynts.ham | 1226 | The Duties of a NTS NCN BBS Packet Manager |
micro2.ham | 1280 | Expanding the Band for the ICOM Micro2 |
mil-call.txt | 4992 | Military Callsigns on Radio |
military.txt | 13821 | A List Of Military Aviation Frequencies |
milsat.ham | 3479 | how to Listen in on Milsat Band Broadcasts |
miltrain.ham | 8367 | Military Training Radio Broadcasts by John Johnson |
mobile.9x | 3467 | 9X: Mobile Operations, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
mod_21.ham | 16256 | The Radio Shack Pro-2005 Programming Scanner by Bob Parnass, AJ9S |
morehint.ham | 27138 | Some Radio Hints and Tips by Nigel Ballard (November 1990) |
morse.ham | 1073 | The International Morse Code List |
moscowsch.ham | 5120 | Radio Moscow Services Schedules (September-February, 1992) |
motbible.txt | 106633 | The Motorola Users and Programming Guides by Mark Larsen Version 1.1a (March 26, 1995) |
msgadrdoc.ham | 6208 | Decoding the Message Header in a Packet Radio Message for Distribution |
msgfmtdoc.ham | 11923 | The Standard 16-Line Message Format, by G.O. Ellis, AAT6VF |
mx4000.ham | 1250 | Get Longer Battery Life from Your Regency MX-4000 or MX-4200 Scanner by Bob Parnass |
narago.ham | 11947 | Where did the NARA (National Amateur Radio Association) come from? By Donald L. Stoner, W6TNS |
nbcnew.ham | 1380 | Letter by Kenneth W. Hane to NBC News about a Anti-Scanner Article |
neighbor.9x | 3958 | 9X: Radio "Neighbors", by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
newham.ham | 4981 | Getting an Amateur Radio License by Terry R. Dettmann/WX7S |
newscandoc.ham | 63075 | The Indespensable Guide to Scanning, by R.P. Meggs of Intercept, Inc. |
nicadchg.ham | 6009 | A NiCAD Battery Charger using Voltage and Current Limiting Techniques |
nigel-if.ham | 8251 | Reciever Hunting using the I.F. Principle by Nogel Ballard (August 5, 1990) |
nigel01.ham | 14954 | A Journey Through My Scanning Triumphs and Disasters by Nigel Ballard (July 20, 1990) |
nigelbug.ham | 9216 | Radio Surveillance (Bugging) in the UK by Nogel Ballard |
nigelcmp.ham | 16751 | A Personal View of Computers and Computing, by Nigel Ballard |
nigelden.ham | 8982 | A Layman's Guide to Traffic Analysis by Nogel Ballard (July 23, 1990) |
nigelspy.ham | 8382 | Advanced Signal Acquisition for Private Scanner operators by Nogel Ballard (July 20, 1990) |
niglbest.ham | 55666 | The Best of the Early SSC Scanning Free Info Sheets by Nogel Ballard |
nite.txt | 5488 | Emegency Communications Systems of the US Government |
ntscfreq.txt | 4844 | North American Television Channels and Frequencies as per NTSC Standards (Weld Pond) | | 4498 | NYC Police Department Radio and Incident Code Signals |
oil-dx.ham | 4828 | Oil Rig DX: Tuning In on the Hunt for Energy in the Gulf of Mexico (April 1990) |
opdx148.txt | 8256 | The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster Bulletin Number 148 (February 21, 1994) |
pac-intr.ham | 16727 | An Introduction to Packet Radio |
packet.ham | 15360 | An Amateur Packet Radio Overview by Rich Bono (NM1D) (October 1990) |
packet.txt | 89129 | Packet Radio: An Introduction by Larry Kenney |
packettrm.ham | 7653 | A Neutral Glossary of Amateur Packet Radio Terms |
pcs300.ham | 1635 | Adjustment with the AXDEN PCS-300 Radio (February 2, 1985) |
phone.pat | 29538 | Article about Phone Patches from Ham Radio Magazine (October 1985) |
pir.txt | 12160 | Pump up the volume (or how to make a pirate radio station) by D.J. "big Joe" |
pir001.txt | 7616 | Starting a Pirate Radio Station by Arclight (May 13, 1993) |
pirate.txt | 77021 | How to Be A Radio Pirate? |
pk232dcddoc.ham | 4608 | Problems in the PK-232 Manual are Causing Major Problems |
pktfaq.ham | 20173 | The Frequently Asked Questions for Amateur Packet Radio, by Steve Schallehn (July 9, 1991) |
pll.spb | 14011 | Creating a Loop Filter by Mycal (April 13, 1994) |
pocsag.txt | 10475 | Description of Coding Used on POCSAG Pager Signals |
police.txt | 12379 | A Listing of Police Codes |
policeco.phk | 15165 | Fuzzz Codes II by The Chemist and Trans America (January 15, 1986) |
policscan.ham | 15784 | FUZZZZ Codes II (Police Scanner Codes) by the Chemist and Trans America, 1985-1986 |
porta-j.txt | 20126 | Building the "Porta-J" by N4VQT (September 20, 1989) |
postalnts.ham | 1283 | The Two-Letter Postal Codes for North America (August 9, 1989) |
powersup.ham | 2079 | How to Build a 12-Volt Power Supply |
pradio.txt | 1737 | A Visit from the FCC Agents by Jim Duncan of KOAN |
pre-amp.ham | 1156 | How to Bypass that Preamp |
pro2005.ham | 15701 | The Radio Shack Pro 2005 Programmable Scanner by Bob Parnass |
pro2006rvw.ham | 17679 | The Radio Shack Pro-2006 Programmable Scanner by Bob Parnass |
producin.9x | 8909 | 9X: Producing a Show, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
propgtn.9x | 7495 | 9X:Propogation, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
pycnog | 4141 | Cashing In on the Pycnogenol Antioxidant Blitz |
qrm.9x | 5667 | 9X: QRN, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
qsignals.ham | 851 | The Q Signals |
quayle.ham | 1922 | Hunting Quayle on the Air Force 2 by Sue Kennedy |
r7000.ham | 30093 | Fixing a R7000 Display and Sensitivity Problem |
r7000cdoc.ham | 6147 | Double the Memory Channels of the ICM R7000 by Replacing the Speech Switch by Jean-Louis Ecochard |
rabbit.txt | 4465 | The Rabbit Cordless System, Transcribed by Phantasm (December 14, 1992) |
radio.txt | 38598 | Radio Electronics: A General Introduction |
radiofax.ham | 5504 | Looking at Three Types of Multi-Mode Decoders by R.P. Meggs |
radiomap.ham | 4260 | A Graphic Representation of Packet Radio Links Which Are Believed to Exist on 145.010mhz on the East Cost |
rdtlkr1.ham | 2036 | The Sears Roadtalker SSB Base Mobile |
rffdback.9x | 3993 | 9X: RF Feedback, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
rfkitnew.txt | 4725 | Information on FM Kits from Free Radio Berkeley (1995) |
rfoitte.txt | 6936 | Radio Frequencies of interest to Telephone Experimenters by The Researcher (January 26, 1986) |
rfsniff.txt | 3706 | An RF Sniffer/Bug Detector |
rs_galax.ham | 80304 | The DXers Guide to the Galaxy: Communications in Space (August, 1991) |
rtty.txt | 10440 | List of Frequencies where English Language Press Stations can be Heard on HF, by KB9OZ |
s-rescue.ham | 6596 | Tuning in on Search and Rescue Operations, by Thurston Wainwright (November 1990) |
s-tipsdoc.ham | 64512 | The Indespensable Guide to Scanning by R.P. Meggs, Preside of Intercept, Inc. |
sampsun.txt | 5596 | The Shortwave Listeners' Program Guide |
san-d-1.ham | 9644 | A History of San Diego Police Communications (September 1990) |
satdishlst.ham | 64360 | Satellite Channel Chart, March 15, 1988 |
sca.txt | 15616 | Some Additional Thoughts on the Subsidiary Communications Authorization |
sca2.txt | 3199 | Eavesdropping on Subcarrier Transmissions |
scabosto.txt | 15736 | The Boston SCA Report, by Weld Pond |
scanhint.ham | 17310 | Scanner Hints and Tips by Nigel Ballard (October 1990) |
scanintr.ham | 10353 | A Guide to the Hobby of Monitoring the Public Service Bands |
scanintr.txt | 14793 | An Introduction to Scanning by Bob Parnass (AJ9S) |
scaninuk.ham | 16234 | Visiting the UK and Intending to Bring a Scanner Along for the Ride? By Nogel Ballard (September 1990) |
scanmast.ham | 1792 | Turbocharge Your R7000 FRG9600 and AR2002 Scanners | | 10880 | State Scanner Law Regulations List (August 2, 1992) |
scanners.ham | 15579 | An Introduction to Scanning, by Bob Parnass, AJ9S (January 1990) |
scanners.txt | 31026 | A Guide to the Hobby of Monitoring the Public Service Bands |
scantips.txt | 62561 | Some Thoughts on Using Scanners and Buying Scanners |
sclaw.ham | 10085 | The South Carolina Highway Patrol: An Overview |
scnpatdoc.ham | 4631 | Two Scanner Patents by Bob Parnass, AJ9S |
secret | 22800 | Uijt gjmf jt cspvhiu up zpv dpusuftz pg uif D)sbdljoh: Secret Radio Frequencies |
sendbuldoc.ham | 3467 | Distributing a Bulletin to a Packet Radio BBS |
shipcall.ham | 8748 | Ships and Calls by Ship Name (March 4, 1987) |
shrtwave.txt | 19969 | A Guide to Shortwave Radio (Frequently Asked Questions) |
shtlfreq.txt | 8454 | Shuttle Mission Frequencies by Topol |
silkpurs.ham | 15418 | Monitoring Silk Purse, by Nigel Ballard |
sked.txt | 8130 | Composite Schedule of Numbers Stations Broadcasts (December 23, 1995) |
sonyrfa.txt | 3135 | Sony: Sony VHF Synthesized Wireless Microphone Systems |
sonyrfb.txt | 4288 | SONY: Sony Wireless Microphone Systems: UHF Channel Allocations |
sources.9x | 2973 | Sources of other Pirate Radio Information, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
spy.txt | 6464 | The Spu Numbers Decoded by Peter Febbroriello |
spyradio.txt | 17171 | The Los Numeros Update from Havana Moon (1990) |
startyou.1 | 6509 | How to Start a Very-Low-Power FM Station to Serve your Immediate Neighborhood |
stats.ham | 3692 | Some Statistics about Ham Radio Operators (December, 1990) |
studio.9x | 6389 | 9X: Building a Production Studio, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
subcar | 14313 | Some Additional Information SCR Reception, by Bob Parnass |
svc-code.ham | 3712 | The FCC Service Codes |
sw-ant.txt | 6407 | Short Wave Antenna Basics |
sw-chart.txt | 3991 | A Handy Shortwave Radio Chart |
swbands.ham | 1866 | The International Shortwave Bands |
swl.txt | 22939 | Shortwave Listening Guide 1991 by Gary Maddox (February 1991) |
swlb.txt | 5591 | Shortwave Radio on a Limited Budget, by Mendel Cooper |
swlg.txt | 2969 | Shortwave Listening Guide 1991 by Gary Maddox (February 1991) |
swlgdoc.ham | 2969 | The Shortwave Listening Guide 1991 by Gary Maddox |
swmisc.ham | 2326 | Miscellaneous Topics Relating to SW Listening and Amateur Radio |
swmisc.txt | 1727 | Miscellaneous Topics Relating to Shortwave Listening and Amateur Radio |
swr.9x | 6043 | 9X: Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
swrhack.txt | 3154 | Short-Wave Radio Hacking by The Seker |
telltime.9x | 5360 | 9X: Everything You Needed to Know about GMT, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
tencodes.ham | 2790 | The Ten Codes and the Phonetic Alphabet, by John Johnson |
tencodes.txt | 3567 | Collection of "Ten Codes" |
tenmeter.ham | 12093 | Mode and License Class Allocations for 10 Meters, by John Johnson, KWV8BP |
theoakla.1 | 6213 | 900 Codes for Police |
tips.ham | 11937 | Information and Safety Tips for Weather |
tone.ham | 5730 | Tone Programming the SAT IC-2SAT, IC-3SAT, IC-4SAT |
tv2meter.txt | 1970 | Using your TV Antenna for a 2 Meter Atenna |
tvpiratedoc.ham | 13934 | Dr. Mabuse: Hacker to the M-M-Max, by Morgan Russel in Reality Hackers Magazine (1988) |
usedsc.ham | 23234 | A Guide to Buying a Used Scanner, by Bob Parnass, AJ9S (August, 1988) |
v20_bug.txt | 3328 | An NEC V20/V30 Bug, by Howard Vigorita of the New York Amateur Computer Club |
vco.txt | 2163 | A Dandy Circuit for a VCO and Buffer that Operates Across the Entire FM Broadcast Band |
verify.9x | 9107 | 9X: Verifying Your Efforts, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
voasch.ham | 31694 | The Voice of America Transmission Schedule (October 18, 1991) |
welfarents.ham | 3248 | How to Prepare and Send Welfare Traffic |
whatisnts.ham | 6704 | The History of the National Traffic System (NTS) (June, 1989) |
wiretap.alg | 32838 | The Wiretap Algorhitm (Packet Radio and Tapping) (October 30, 1985) |
wpscan.txt | 7005 | Weld Pond Transcribes an Article: Hackers Scan Airwaves for Conversations (1992) |
wrdcountnts.ham | 3993 | Checking the Word Counts of Messages (June, 1989) |
wreck.ham | 15785 | Packet Radio at the Wreck of the Colonial by Bob Bruninga (January 11, 1986) |
wvsig.ham | 2432 | The West Virginia State Police Signal Codes (July 18, 1989) |
wxboxist.ham | 9216 | National Weather Service Teletype Access |
xmitters.9x | 20438 | 9X: Transmitters, by Nemesis and Captain Eddy |
xtal.ham | 1621 | Crystals for your Shortwave Converter |
xtal.txt | 1516 | Crystals for your Shortwave Converter |
There are 288 files for a total of 4,417,866 bytes. |
There are 2 directories. |
If you wish to have the entire directory conveniently archived and compressed into one file, please download either hamradio.tar.gz (2526525 bytes) or (2787554 bytes) instead of all the files separately.