<From: TKENNETT@BENTLEY.EDU> Getting to Know Your Computer A Short Glossary of Computer Terms ---------------------------------- Analog Hors d'oeuvre, usually made from cheese and covered with crushed nuts. Back-up Current data errors that have been saved for future use. See Database Back-up or File Back-up. Binary Possessing the ability to have friends of both sexes. Bit 12 1/2 cents ($.125). Buffer Programmer who works in the nude. Bug Any type of insect. Byte Painful wound inflicted by dogs, snakes, children etc. Coding An addictive drug. Compile A heap of decomposing vegetable matter. Computer A device used to speed and automate errors. Control Character Any person who has money to spend for any reason. Crash A Normal Termination. Cursor An Expert in four-letter words. Database A special medium used to store errors, so that they can be processed and printed many times by the computer system. Sometimes called Input File or Data file. Debugging Activities necessary to remove insects from any area where they are not wanted. Diskette A mobile accessory to transsfer and to store errors. Downtime The time in which the computer rests while you sink into the lower depths of depression. (Downtime typically takes place while you are in the middle of your most important work on the computer.). Drive A hardware part were errors are loaded from diskettes. The moment the drive's led is on can be described as the computer's orgasm.(the noise indicate it too!) Errors The normal result of running a computer system. Hardcoded Computer program code that has been allowed to dry. Hardware 1. Boots, leather, studs, spikes and such. 2. The parts of a computer which can be kicked. Keyboard An instrument used for entering errors into the system quickly. Logic Orderly path always followed by programs & errors. Loop See Loop. Maintenance Activities necessary to ensure that the system continues to produce errors and delay work efficiently. Never-Never Land 1. Place where no one grows up. 2. Place where programs love to go. -It is also called the Twilight Zone Password The nonsense word taped to your terminal. Printer A device that prints computer errors on paper. RAM A male sheep. Reset A button located on the computer's body,which make easier the "trip" of the programs to the Never-never land. It is conssidered as the only way of avoiding errors. ROM 1. A Ram after a delicate operation. 2. What programs do in Never-Never Land. Screen The part of the computer where the errors are seen for the first time. It is also the part programmers love to break the most.The most inginous and smart feature of the Screen is that it can be turned off. Software 1. Silk nighties, nylons, teddies etc. 2. Parts of computer that can not be kicked. Sometime Those occasions when a computer error message can be interpreted and understood. Security A feature of computer system access which helps prevent the mis-use (or proper use) of the system. Table-Lookup A piece of furniture that has been attached to the ceiling. Turbo A mode in which the computer compiles the errors faster. It sometimes may help the programs to reach the NeverNever land. Uptime The time in which a computer works & produces errors quickly and efficiently.