If a joke is funny, it gets spread. If a person gets a bunch of jokes, they tack them together and they get spread. And if a subject happens (a scandal, a tragedy, an election) then the jokes about that event get tacked together and spread as well.
What you end up with, then, are these massive files of very disparate joke clusters, bound only because someone thought they were funny or someone had a thing for light-bulb jokes. Therefore, there are probably tons of doubles and triples and what have you in this collection, and there's just not enough time in the day to sort them. So this whole directory is a bit of a crapshoot. On the other hand, it IS funny.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
100.txt | 4996 | I'd Love To, But......... |
100room.txt | 8987 | 100 Ways to Freak Out Your Roommate |
10ondate.txt | 1147 | The Top Ten Ways a Computer Guy Can Impress His Date |
12clint.txt | 2514 | The Twelve Days of Clinton |
1liner.txt | 2256 | A Collection of One-Liners |
1more.jok | 1877 | I Was Out Rock Climbing with my Wife Estelle |
50onfinal.txt | 7132 | 50 Fun Things to Do on a Final |
abuser.txt | 10950 | The Best Ways to Abuse a BBS by The Joker |
acros.txt | 2179 | Finally, a Cheat Sheet for Computer Acronyms |
adver_tr.uth | 798 | Odd Circumcision Joke |
altuniv.jok | 1908 | My Car Salesman Now Works for the Airlines! |
american.eng | 1010 | An Old English Couple Meet a New York Cabbie |
amusing.jok | 1218 | The Old Moonshiner's Last Stand |
answer.jok | 25579 | A Collection of Answering Machine Jokes |
answerin.mac | 43121 | Complete listing of Answering Machine Messages |
answerin.txt | 43806 | Additional Funny Answering Machine Messages |
apt.hum | 1564 | So there's this businessman and this chorus girl.... |
are_you.gay | 1776 | Are you Gay? Get off the Plane! |
asstalk | 2887 | Did I ever Tell You About the Man Who Taught His Asshole to Talk? |
auto.hum | 3866 | Funny Auto Insurance claims |
aviation.jok | 81197 | Large Collection of Flying Jokes |
awful.jokes | 7781 | A Collection of Truly Awful Jokes |
babyjoke.txt | 4035 | A Bunch of Dead Baby Jokes |
babypics.txt | 4192 | So SHE's expecting a government employee to provide sex, and he wants to take a picture, and oh, I'm telling it wrong, aren't I? |
bad.jok | 1312 | You can tell it's going to be a rotten day when..... |
bad.jokes | 20509 | The Ruins of the Bad-Joke Mailing List of 1979 |
bad_jo.kes | 21168 | Very Large Collection of Jokes Claiming to be from a 1979 Mailing List |
badday.txt | 1143 | You Know It's Going To be a Bad Day When.... |
badpie.jok | 937 | The Woman Who Made Bad Pies |
badtaste.txt | 1841 | Gross Joke involving a Patent for an Apple |
band.jok | 3162 | Flyer for the Either/Orchestra |
barnsatn.txt | 407 | Barney, the cute purple dinosaur, is Satan |
bath.jks | 30208 | Collection of Gross/Unpleasant/Racist/Sexist Jokes |
bc-jokes.txt | 19906 | 111 Slick Willy Clinton Jokes |
bears.jok | 1689 | A Couple of Bear Jokes |
bedroom_golf.txt | 2556 | The Rules of Bedroom Golf |
beer.jok | 6893 | Why a Beer is Better than a Woman |
beergirl.jok | 1433 | 24 Good Reasons that Beer is Better Than Women |
belboard.inf | 135763 | Large Collection of Shaggy Dog Humor |
best.frt | 72390 | The Best of the Fortunes |
best1001.asc | 24998 | 1001 of the Best Jokes (Well, OK, not quite 1001) |
best1002.asc | 28577 | A Large Grab-Bag of Jokes of Shaggy Dog Stories |
bigjokes | 594917 | Large Collection of All Sorts of Jokes |
bike.jok | 1411 | The Really Fast Bike Rider |
billsmed.txt | 1044 | Bill Clinton's Medical Dictionary |
blind.jok | 901 | The Blind Man's Dog |
blond.msg | 29177 | Collection of Blonde Jokes |
blond111.txt | 12130 | Radio Free Milwaukee's 111 Blonde Jokes |
blonde.txt | 66046 | The "Complete" Set of Blonde Jokes, December 15, 1992 |
blondej2.txt | 15407 | Blonde Jokes, compiuled by Mr. Noise (April 25, 1992) |
blondejokes.hum | 13505 | 125 Blonde Jokes |
blondes | 29005 | Large Collection of Blonde Jokes |
blondes.txt | 5875 | Collection of Blonde Jokes |
blondjok.txt | 15872 | 150 Blonde Jokes |
blonds.jks | 30208 | The "Complete" Set of Blonde Jokes (202) |
book.txt | 74754 | MISC: Another Collection of Bad Jokes |
book2.txt | 50180 | Collection of Bad Jokes |
boss.txt | 1266 | The Boss |
boytrain.jok | 1447 | The Little Boy and the Train |
brownies.jok | 2039 | Recipe for Mom's Brownies |
bulb.txt | 39040 | Another Canonical Collection of Light Bulb Jokes |
bulbjoke.txt | 4210 | Very large Collection of Lightbulb Jokes |
bulbs.txt | 23958 | Large Collection of Light-Bulb Jokes |
bumper.txt | 3553 | Actual Bumper Stickers Found on Actual Cars |
bumpstick | 3107 | Bumper Stickers Seen on the Information Superhighway |
byujokes.txt | 16384 | Brigham Young University Jokes |
c.hum | 1736 | Murphy's Laws |
calctest.hum | 2511 | Answers to the Calculus Final, by a Concerned and Resourceful Student |
canoes.txt | 2063 | JOKE: How Different Armed Forces Ran in the Canoe Race |
caracros.txt | 2174 | A Collection of Car Acronyms |
cate.jok | 577465 | Complete Random Collection of Jokes |
cathjews.jok | 1584 | The Jewish Kid Got the Point at Catholic School |
celebrate.txt | 897 | The Pope Dies and Goes to Heaven |
chickens.jok | 3892 | How Many Generic Chickens Can You Fit Into a Generic Pontiac? |
children.txt | 7640 | Murphy's Laws on Parenting |
chinmenu.jok | 2776 | Wun Hung Lo Chinese Restaurant |
clinton.jok | 99067 | Very Large Collection of Clinton Jokes |
cokkies.hum | 2792 | Some bad cookies from the Works BBS |
compchis.txt | 3090 | The Worm Before Christmas by Clement C. Morris |
compdaff.txt | 1996 | Computer Daffy-Nitions |
complove.jok | 1889 | Hacker Wants to Marry His Computer, from The Sun, (January 17, 1989) |
computer.txt | 3243 | Things to Do in a Computer Lab |
compvocb.txt | 1267 | Computer Vocabulary for Geeks and Normal |
condom.jok | 16385 | The Large Collection of Condom Jokes and Articles |
condom.txt | 2963 | Collection of Condom Jokes |
condoms.jok | 684 | Condoms Sold and Fitted! |
conduct.txt | 2733 | A Shaggy Dog Story With Absolutely No Bananas! |
cookie.1 | 33745 | Karl Lehenbauer's Fortune Cookie File |
cookieii.hum | 62792 | Quip Snips, by William D. Tammeus |
courting.jok | 3456 | How to Kill a Missouri Eel |
cowmilk.txt | 506 | My First Time Ever |
cricket.jok | 1059 | Cricket Match Which is Funnier than Baseball |
crmation.jok | 607 | The Dubiously True Cremation Joke |
cupholder.txt | 869 | True story from a Novell NetWire SysOp |
cute.say | 4793 | Collection of Cute Sayings |
dahmer.jok | 2122 | The Complete Jeffrey Dahmer Jokes List |
dahmer.txt | 1828 | Collection of Jeffrey Dahmer Jokes (Cannibalism, etc.) |
dangwild.jok | 1360 | Egad! The Mosquitos are BIG! |
darksucker.txt | 4641 | Dark Conspiracy Involving Electrical Power Companies Surfances, by the Quantum Mechanic (August 7, 1988) |
date.txt | 5946 | More than 50 Ways to Get Rid of Blind Dates (And other Social Catastrophes) |
datepick.txt | 917 | The Guy Has Four Daughters That Live At Home |
deck.txt | 11161 | The Very Last "Doesn't Have a Full Deck" List |
defense.txt | 2663 | You Know You Work for a Defense Contractor When.... |
dentist.txt | 886 | The Dentist Joke |
devildic | 13873 | Collection of Definitions from the Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce |
dinner.jok | 570 | Trying to Help the Chinese Man Next to Her |
dinosaur.jok | 1607 | A Large Collection of Dinosaur Jokes |
dinosaur.txt | 1185 | A Large Selection of DINOSAUR JOKES |
doekiller.txt | 1275 | Wanted for Attempted Murder |
dogsex.txt | 2702 | A Dog Named Sex |
dough.jok | 1545 | Reasons Why Cookie Dough Is Better Than Men |
drivers.jok | 1498 | The Wall Street Reports on Dummies in the HOV Lane |
drtymind.txt | 685 | He and She |
dumpon.txt | 1770 | Inspiration for the Unhappy |
easter.jok | 1383 | What is EASTER? |
echomai2.txt | 16348 | Blonde Jokes #3, 1991 |
elephant.jok | 3853 | Some Elephant Jokes (1988) |
elephant.txt | 5655 | A Large Collection of Elephant Jokes |
elephant2.txt | 2835 | A Large Collection of Elephant Jokes |
eng-math-phy.txt | 6099 | Let's Pick on Engeineers Today |
engineer.jok | 998 | The Pessimists' Guide to Engineer-Talk |
english.txt | 4244 | Collection of Heartfelt attempts to write in English from around the world |
eschat_l.lis | 2610 | An Eschatological Laundry List: Some of the 927 Great Truths |
ethiopia.txt | 5323 | The Ethiopian Joke Book, by The Blue Buccaneer |
ethnic.jok | 56587 | Large Stack of Irish Jokes |
ethnic2.jok | 34353 | Large Stack of Irish Jokes |
evangali.jok | 2575 | TV Evangelism: A True Story |
evilcake.hum | 1585 | The Origins of the Evil Cake Contest |
examburn.txt | 6567 | The Exam Burn |
excuses.txt | 3192 | A Collection of Typical School Excuses |
expjoke.txt | 6583 | Cheap Explosives and Sick Jokes, by Suicidal Maniac of Anarchists' Alliance |
f.jok | 145924 | An EXTREMELY Large Fortune File |
firesqd.jok | 2521 | The Firing Squad Joke, starring Your Favorite Ethnic Minority |
fish2.jok | 1501 | Goddamned Fish! |
flaglick.jok | 1510 | Lick the Flag? Are Your Crazy? |
flowcht.txt | 1904 | Problem Solving Process (Flowchart) |
fortun.cookie | 9867 | Large Collection of Fortune Cookies |
fortun_c.ook | 10047 | List of Fortunes from Cookies |
fortune.hum | 70135 | A Collection of One-Line Fortunes |
fortunes.mac | 13048 | Large Collection of Fortunes |
fortunes.txt | 39238 | Fortunes, Compiled by Stefan Posthuma |
frog.sty | 4980 | The Joke About the Talking Frog |
funnysigns.txt | 4786 | Some Funny Signs |
girls.jok | 10986 | Collection of Old, Old Jokes |
godwisd.jok | 1067 | Wisdom of the Gods, a Joke |
golf.jok | 1067 | Forgive me Father, I used the F-Word While Golfing |
gorilla_.txt | 6394 | And Now for the Purple Gorilla Joke! |
govofficial.txt | 3262 | Warranty Card on Purchased Government Official |
graffiti.jok | 3331 | A Collection of One-Liners (June 6, 1988) |
grandeur.jok | 7834 | A Deluge of Grandeur (Joke) |
grave.txt | 1127 | Two Drunks Fall in a Grave (Joke) |
grettrut.hum | 6183 | Great Truths |
gross.txt | 3840 | Collection of Gross Jokes |
grossjok.hum | 3801 | Totally Nasty and Bad Jokes |
guard.jokes | 12756 | Jokes about the Guards at MIT |
guy100.txt | 5998 | 100 Reasons Why It's Great To Be a Guy |
h2o.txt | 1108 | How Gullible Are We? |
hacktest.txt | 19642 | The Hacker Test Version 1.0 (June 16, 1989) |
hecomes.jok | 3213 | The Story of Mad Martin, from Gene Spafford (1988) |
hell.jok | 3862 | Rowan Atkinson's Hell Monologue, typed by Raymond Field (May 13, 1989) |
hell.txt | 1745 | The Thermodynamics of Hell |
hitpenny.jok | 3687 | Hit the Penny, hit the Quarter |
hornydog.jok | 1203 | There Were These Two Dogs... |
humor.txt | 106245 | Prove That All Odd Integers are Prime |
idealpas.jok | 959 | The "Perfect Pastor" |
indian.hum | 1371 | Never Trust an Indian |
info_car.txt | 3412 | Guide to the Different Protocols of the Internet |
insjokes.hum | 2509 | Actual Statements found on Insurance Forms |
insura.jok | 962 | Tey Won't Cover Rob Lowe's Problems! |
iraqjoke.txt | 26376 | Small Smattering of Iraqi Jokes |
iraqjoke2.txt | 5842 | Small Smattering of Iraqi Jokes |
irish.jok | 12547 | Stack of Irish Jokes |
irishbul.txt | 7164 | Irish Bulls: Intrinsically Contradictory Phrases that Reveal a Truth |
jesless.jok | 1128 | Jesus and His Dumb Disciples |
jewhumor.jok | 961 | Three Lashes! |
jgotus.hum | 2900 | Japan's Got Us Beat in the Service Department, Too, by Hilary Hinds Kitasei |
joke001.jok | 50820 | All Sorts of Jokes |
joke002.jok | 394992 | Massive Internet Jokebook #1 |
joke003.jok | 75211 | Ronen Stein's Collection of Jokes |
joke1.fun | 1090 | An Old Russion Joke |
jokepak1.txt | 18148 | Large Pack of Jokes Volume 1 |
jokepak2.txt | 11536 | Large Pack of Jokes Volume 2 |
jokepak3.txt | 14158 | Large Pack of Jokes Volume 3 |
jokepak4.txt | 14985 | Large Pack of Jokes Volume 4 |
jokes | 90699 | Large Collection of Offensive Jokes |
jokes.001 | 21243 | Smattering of All Sorts of Jokes |
jokes.01 | 1959 | Collection of Jokes #01 |
jokes.02 | 21480 | Collection of Jokes #02 |
jokes.03 | 133652 | Collection of Jokes #03 |
jokes.04 | 73956 | Collection of Jokes #04 |
jokes.05 | 103916 | Collection of Jokes #05 |
jokes.06 | 29857 | Collection of Jokes #06 |
jokes.07 | 29275 | Collection of Jokes #07 |
jokes.08 | 32954 | COllection of Jokes #08 |
jokes.09 | 10681 | Collection of Jokes #09 |
jokes.1 | 1484 | A Small Collection of Jokes |
jokes.10 | 70150 | Collection of Jokes #10 |
jokes.11 | 35486 | Collection of Jokes #11 |
jokes.12 | 7859 | Collection of Jokes #12 |
jokes.13 | 39090 | Collection of Jokes #13 |
jokes.14 | 4602 | Collection of Jokes #14 |
jokes.gph | 4096 | Rude and Obnoxious Jokes by The Dolphin that came from Belmont |
jokes.hum | 21035 | Joke Blab from the Datanet. Edited By The Slipped Disk |
jokes.jok | 31269 | The Joke List of Jokes and More Jokes |
jokes.txt | 130684 | The *BIG* Joke File |
jokes.une | 7162 | Collection of the Usual EUnet Jokes |
jokes1.txt | 1841 | The Zen of Cat Bathing |
jokes10.txt | 53526 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 10 |
jokes2.txt | 38627 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 2 |
jokes3.txt | 39692 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 3 |
jokes4.txt | 40258 | Large Collection of Jokes, part 4 |
jokes5.txt | 43992 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 5 |
jokes6.txt | 4835 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 6 |
jokes7.txt | 7276 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 7 |
jokes8.txt | 23789 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 8 |
jokes9.txt | 50795 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 9 |
jokin-13.txt | 51094 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 13 |
jokin-16.txt | 49045 | A Bunch of One-Liners |
jokin-17.txt | 56230 | That's an Awful Amount of Jokes! |
jokin-18.txt | 53745 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 18 |
jokin-19.txt | 51129 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 19 |
jokin-20.txt | 59824 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 20 |
jokin-23.txt | 52170 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 23 |
jokin-24.txt | 59274 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 24 |
jokin-25.txt | 50844 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 25 |
jokin-26.txt | 52413 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 26 |
jokin-28.txt | 65500 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 28 |
jokin-29.txt | 61663 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 29 |
jokin-30.txt | 47186 | Large Collection of Jokes, part 30 |
jokin-31.txt | 60333 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 31 |
jokin-33.txt | 59040 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 33 |
jokin-34.txt | 52561 | Large Collection of Jokes, Part 34 |
joking01.jok | 52169 | Collection of Jokes and Jokes and Jokes |
joking02.jok | 59823 | Collection of Longer Jokes |
joking03.jok | 814 | Very Large Collection of Jokes! |
joking04.jok | 53166 | And Even More Jokes |
joking05.jok | 56343 | Smorgasbord of Jokes |
joking16.jok | 57145 | Jokes and Bad Puns and Tasteless Stuff and More Jokes |
journos.jok | 1108 | The Journalist Joke |
kibo.sig | 53172 | Kibo's Very Large Signature File |
killers.jok | 2541 | Cereal Killers |
koresh.jok | 22304 | Canonical List of David Koresh Jokes |
laugh14.txt | 89818 | Collection of Jokes from the Access Media BBS |
laws.lst | 63792 | A List of All Sorts of Laws |
laws.txt | 44113 | An Abridged Collection of Interdisciplinary Laws |
lawslife.hum | 43815 | An abridged collection of Interdisciplinary Laws |
lawslife.txt | 10684 | The Laws of Life |
lawyer.hum | 5046 | A Few choice Lawyer Jokes |
lawyer.jok | 24833 | Collection of Lawyers Jokes |
lawyer2.jok | 17076 | Collection of Lawyer Jokes |
lawyerjo.txt | 26282 | Collection of Lawyer Jokes |
lawyers.jok | 26946 | The Man With No Name Presents More Lawyer Jokes (December 1988) |
lawyers.txt | 8791 | How Many Lawyers? |
lawyrjok | 27283 | Additional Amounts of Lawyer Jokes |
lechhow.hum | 1670 | How to be a Leech, by Mino Taur |
leper.txt | 3786 | Collection of Tasteless Leper Jokes |
lepre.txt | 7554 | The Leprechaun Joke, by David Gerrold |
life1500.txt | 4228 | Life in the 1500s |
lifeconc.txt | 2239 | Thoughts About Life |
lightbul | 12398 | The Canonical Collection of Light Bulb Jokes |
lightbul.lis | 29917 | Additional Light Bulb Jokes |
lightbul.txt | 33065 | Collection of Light Bulb Jokes |
lightbul2.txt | 18769 | Collection of Light Bulb Jokes |
lights.jok | 8047 | List of Light Bulb Jokes |
limerick.2 | 10383 | Large Collection of Limericks |
limerick.jok | 8184 | Collection of Dirty Limericks |
limerix.hum | 36431 | A Large Selection of Bawdy Limericks |
limerk.txt | 851 | A Limerick |
lines.hum | 8103 | The Winners, most effective pick-up-lines |
lines.jok | 12923 | A List of Classic Pick-Up Lines |
lists.jok | 2560 | A Couple Top 10 Lists on Barbies and Computer Phobias |
litebulb.ai | 3815 | Some Really Odd Artifical Intelligence Lab Light Bulb Jokes |
litebulb.txt | 10124 | Collection of Light Bulb Jokes |
lotsa.jok | 25057 | Grab-Bag of Jokes |
lotsajok.txt | 24795 | Lots of Quick and Simple Jokes |
love80s.txt | 3883 | Love in the 80s |
loveone.txt | 1566 | If You Love Someone |
lwords.txt | 4548 | Famous Last Words |
madame.jok | 835 | Very old Brothel Joke |
mag-tape.jok | 3080 | The Cat and the Magentic Taoe |
manlaugh.txt | 1315 | The Ultimate Jokebook About Men? |
marriage.txt | 3713 | Marriage Humor of Various Types |
math_eng.tec | 1135 | Put the Brainy People Under Stress (Joke) |
mblonde.txt | 98351 | The "Complete" Set of Blonde Jokes, December 15, 1992 |
medical.jok | 3147 | A Joke Involving Doctors and Ducks |
medicwon.jok | 1402 | The Wonders of Modern Medicine |
medjoke1.txt | 52172 | Humor: Medical (140) - Part 1 |
medjoke2.txt | 50321 | Humor: Medical (140) - Part 2 |
medslang.txt | 4096 | Collection of Medical Slang |
menwomen.jok | 8225 | Men Vs. Women: An Overview |
misc.1 | 23919 | A LArge Collection of Miscellaneous Jokes and Humor |
misc_cla.jok | 22289 | Collection of Classroom Jokes |
misc_mat.jok | 79929 | Miscellaneous Mathematics Jokes |
misc_rel.jok | 10936 | Miscellaneous Religion Jokes |
misc_sex.jok | 122488 | Sex Humor 101 |
misc_wed.jok | 5041 | Miscellanous Best Man/Weddings/Telegram Jokes |
mishap.txt | 3376 | A Mishap in Translation |
mommy.mom | 4323 | The Semi-Complete Canatonical List of Mommy, Mommy! Jokes |
mommymom.txt | 3295 | The Semi-Complete Canatonical List of Mommy, Mommy! Jokes |
morejoke.txt | 10644 | Various Collection of Jokes |
moretech.txt | 10648 | Support, Santa Cruz Style or Where Do These People Come From? by Jeff Liebermann |
murfssex.txt | 4072 | Murphy's Laws on Sex |
murphy's.law | 12583 | Collection of All Sorts of Laws |
murphy.txt | 1536 | Murphy's Laws of Combat |
murphy2.txt | 1978 | Large Collection of Murphy-Like Laws |
namings.jok | 1902 | The Namings |
new.pri | 3016 | A Priest Joke |
newsoft.txt | 2415 | Some New Software: MYASS |
newvirus.txt | 4207 | Beware of the Following Computer Viruses |
noahgov.txt | 3868 | Noah and the Government |
noears.jok | 1864 | An Aural Exam |
nomute.jok | 1460 | Teaching the Mute to Speak |
non-tech.txt | 3250 | Real Stories of the Non-Technically Inclined, by Jack CLarey |
nonose.jok | 5046 | The Complete My Dog's Got no Nose Joke |
nuns.jok | 21160 | Nun Jokes |
office.txt | 6094 | Humorous Interoffice Memo about Problems in Renovation |
ojlist.txt | 26107 | O.J. Simpson: Canonical O.bligatory J.okes List [10/01/94] |
oneline2.hum | 14341 | Bunch of sick one-liner jokes. |
oneliner | 8964 | Collection of One-Liner Jokes (Racist, Etc.) |
oneliner.hum | 8973 | Yet more Racist and Sexist One-Liners. |
oneliners.txt | 6097 | Thoughts for the Day |
onelinrs.txt | 19968 | Large Collection of One-Liners |
pacifist.jok | 800 | The Pacifist Joke |
palindro.txt | 11680 | Large Collections of Palindromes (1992) |
paratroo.jok | 2016 | A Paratrooper's First Joke |
parrot.jok | 1019 | A Man Buys a Parrot |
partjok.jok | 3754 | Man, Did I get Pissed! (Joke) |
pet.jok | 1846 | Potentially offensive to English Shop Assistants |
pheasant.jok | 2879 | Death of a Pheasant |
philquot.txt | 68668 | A Collection of Philisophical Quotes |
phonesng.txt | 579 | Some Songs on the Telephone |
physics.txt | 5777 | The Cartoon Law of Physics |
pick-up.txt | 4721 | Some Pickup Lines |
plan.txt | 1245 | The Plan |
policlog.jok | 5604 | The Sheriff's Log |
pornshop.jok | 1546 | A Man Works at a Porn Shop |
prac-jok.txt | 177487 | Super Collection of Proactical Jokes |
prac1.jok | 52030 | Super Collection of Practical Jokes (part 1 of 4) |
prac2.jok | 46836 | Super Collection of Practical Jokes (part 2 of 4) |
prac3.jok | 50642 | Super Collection of Practical Jokes (part 3 of 4) |
prac4.jok | 27895 | Super Collection of Practical Jokes (part 4 of 4) |
prankster.txt | 749 | The Pranksters on the Wedding Night |
prezbulb.jok | 5370 | US Presidential Light Bulb Jokes |
priest.txt | 1524 | Some Suggestions to the Priest |
primes.txt | 2320 | Jokes about Primes. Sorry, I don't get it. |
profmean.txt | 2897 | What The Professor Really Means by J. Timothy Petersik |
proginc.txt | 1036 | How to Program and Debug in C |
puns.fun | 6647 | Dave and Ed With Way Too Many Puns |
purity.txt | 69428 | The Purity Test II Version 2.2.75 (April 14, 1990) |
puzzles.jok | 1413 | Lateral Thinking Puzzles Revisited |
quote.txt | 53820 | Selection of One-Liners |
quotes.txt | 3165 | A Small Collection of Quotes |
rabbi.jok | 2338 | The Wise Rabbi |
ratcancr.jok | 3432 | Living in Cages Linked to Cancer in Lab Rates |
readme.jok | 102064 | 100 Kilobytes of Jokes |
rel-joke.txt | 43295 | A Large Collection of Religious Jokes |
relative.txt | 1139 | Relativity |
relegion.jok | 1376 | New Improved Religion! 50 % more Gods! |
religion.jok | 43483 | A Compilation of Religious Jokes |
riddle.man | 7641 | The Riddle Manual (Collection of Riddles) |
rjokes1.txt | 35277 | Collection of Racist, Tasteless Jokes |
rjokes2.txt | 28939 | Collection of Racist, Tasteless Jokes (Second Part) |
rodney.hum | 8508 | Someone lets loose with way too many Rodney Dangerfield Jokes. |
rodney.txt | 9366 | Rodney Dangerfield's Jokes |
ruleskiss.txt | 1348 | The Constitution of Love |
rushdie.jok | 2878 | Salman Rushdie One-Liners |
sayings.txt | 13732 | Large Collection of Random Sayings |
scene1.frt | 315427 | Additional Fortunes |
scene2.frt | 284758 | More Additional Fortunes |
sci.gra | 1904 | Collection of Scientific and Futuristic One-Liners |
servwork.txt | 1464 | Seving Time or Serving Work |
shaggdog.hum | 45135 | A Complication of longer jokes from some Usenet Jokefests. |
shorties.jok | 21952 | Collection of Short Jokes |
sickjoke.txt | 27184 | Collection of Sick Jokes |
smarthou.txt | 5042 | The Smart House |
smokes.ana | 6656 | Smoke Formas, by the Primo Pyro |
sniglets.txt | 3066 | Some Sniglets |
sorority.gir | 7031 | The Canonical List of Sorority Girl Jokes |
sorority.jok | 6490 | The Canonical List of Sorority Girl Jokes |
sorority.txt | 2808 | The Canonical List of Sorority Girl Jokes |
squawks.txt | 1286 | Some Memorable Squawks |
standard.jok | 4419 | A Little About Standards |
startrek.jok | 10693 | A Collection of Star Trek Top 10 Lists |
stpeter.jok | 11273 | Collection of Saint Peter Jokes |
striptea.jok | 1060 | Talk About a Strip Tease! |
superman.jok | 1187 | Superman's Day Off |
t-shirts.jok | 8139 | Collection of T-Shirt Sayings |
t-shirts.txt | 8024 | A Collection of T-Shirt Sayings |
tacobell.txt | 4392 | At the Taco Bell |
taglines.1 | 70942 | Large Collection of Taglines |
taglines.2 | 97605 | Continued Collection of Taglines |
taglines.3 | 52819 | And Even More Taglines |
taglines.4 | 65326 | Okay, enough with the taglines |
taglines.5 | 40152 | The last of the taglines |
taglines.mr | 176407 | An Extremely Ludicrous Amount of One-Liners |
tags | 1557 | Taglines seen around the Net |
techseuss.txt | 1500 | What if Dr. Suess Wrote Technical Manuals? |
texchris.txt | 3310 | Texas Night Before Christmas |
thisguy.jok | 4096 | "This Guy Walks Into a Bar" Joke Collection |
toearly.txt | 878 | Too Early |
twits.txt | 1990 | Twits..... |
types_gf.txt | 5463 | Types of Girlfriends |
ucuget.jok | 1737 | He Had a Plumbing Need |
umpire.txt | 1009 | Quick Umpire Joke |
undergov.txt | 1344 | Under the Government |
underhan.txt | 4235 | The Underhanded Little Old Lady |
useful.txt | 1927 | Bananas are Better Than Men! |
usenet.hum | 36352 | Many, Many jokes from USENET |
users.txt | 5456 | The Nine Types of Uders |
vaxtrek.txt | 30797 | VAX Trek by Tom Wade and Eoin Meehan |
wedoff.jok | 531 | The Wedding is off! |
weightsex.txt | 5383 | The Diter's Guide to Weight Loss During Sex |
weird89.txt | 17208 | A Large Selection Of Whacky Jokes and Facts from Henry Cate III (December 4, 1989) |
welchurc.jok | 1481 | Welcome to the Church |
wildlife.jok | 1634 | Hazardous Wildlife! |
winnum.jok | 429 | The Winning Numbers! |
wisdom.frt | 17994 | Collection of Wise Fortunes |
women_contra.txt | 1301 | Oh! Women! |
woody.all | 1150 | List of Woody Allen Jokes |
xrude.txt | 59520 | Collection of Really Rude Sexual Humor |
yugo'scl.txt | 1922 | Bad Yugo Joke and Bad Rooster Joke |
There are 421 files for a total of 10,111,551 bytes. |