Morgue (if I make it in) proudly presents: How to be an instantaneous "Threat to your neighborhood"... Ok. these are things you can do to people/school/whoever to torture them. -=-[<*>]-=- Embarrassment for All Make the nastiest poster you can find. or get a page from Playboy or something. Go to a building, public place, etc. Use wet, evaporated milk to make the poster stick for a while. A variation on this is to put a flag over or on top of another flag. The classic example of this is documented in Phrack, issue 41... that's the fun you can have with That. Another cool thing to do is, if you are on steps of a school, building, whatever (a cool place to do this would be a mall with a big staircase, is when you are at the top (make sure you are in a big crowd or no one is around), take a jar of BB's and let 'em loose! (Hey, that was a run on sentence)... Speaking of which, that brings us to the next fun section: -=-[<*>]-=- Fun in School Yeah, sure, school gets Really boring. Here are some FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN things you can do at your school to lighten up the heavy, thick, stuffy atmosphere that covers the hellish torture chamber AKA the School system of the U.S. The things mentioned above should work rather nicely. Some other fun things to do are: Make a paper airplane. Before you make it, though, write some nasty, or unusual slogans. Also, you could write 'em on the wings with red magic marker after the plane is made. Stuff like "Bob loves you." "XXXXXXXXXXX is Gay!" or other nice rumors... <g>... Another nice thing to do (I did this! so I know how much fun it can be) is, Find out your school's exchange (most will have a private one ). Anyway, after you have it, load up good ol' Toneloc, Codethief, whatever you use, and SCAN AWAY! You can find all sorts of nifty things, I found my school's Prime... my friend Anonymous Caller found a PBX!. the fun is endless. Also, you may even get to hear teacher's scream "HELLO!!!!!!!" and laugh at them all the way. -=-[<*>]-=- Fun on Phones The telephone is not only a necessary tool, but a machine for endless fun. Perhaps the most fun is red boxing from a payphone, but that's basic. Crank calling is always fun, but there is More!... One of the most laughable things to do is get a friend. Make sure either you or him/her has three-way. Call up someone at random (or someone you hate) and pretend you and your friend are DJ's at a radio station. say "Ya ready to win $100 in cash???" or something, sound excited. then play a popular song. if they say something way off, if you feel like a laugh anyway say "... Close... wait... the Judges WILL ACCEPT that!!!"... I remember one of these convos it went like this. my friend was the dj. I was an assistant, and there was another assistant: DJ (right!!!): Hello. We're from Eagle 106. We are broadcasting nation wide tonight. (We called Louisiana, they'll believe ANYTHING down there!) DJ:... you up for $100 tonight? Girl: ... Is this some kind of prank? DJ: No!!!!... are you R-R-R-Ready??? Girl: Umm... Sure. DJ: Ok. Just name this song... (he played "How Long" by Information society) Me: That's enough! That's enough! DJ: Ok. can you name that song? Girl: No..... DJ: O well... try this one. (he played a more popular song) Girl: I don't know. DJ: Ohh... that came from the movie Breakfast Club. Girl: Oh! I saw that movie. DJ: Then we'll give it to ya. Me: Now. trivia time (I felt sorry for the poor victim)... What's the capital of Louisiana? Girl: (excited): BattonRouge Me: Right! that's $500!!!!! We asked her some more questions, got the total to $550... Then. the real fun is. you write up a fake check like on your computer. Get their address (our victim spilled it out!), and Mail it to them. imagine the fun when they try to cash it. Another fun thing to do is, get a few friends again. the more friends, the more udderly psychotic it sounds. Call a victim up. Instead of just one person talking, each says a word of a sentence. it sounds udderly insane. one went like this. Hello... Is... <the person we were asking for>... there? (each word in a different voice) Girl:... Hello??? Us: There's... something... wrong... with... the... Phone... Is... he... there? Girl: There must be -- Us: Can... you... hear... me? Girl: Yes... Us: Is... he... there? Girl: No... Us: Do... you... have... an... number? (An number??????) Girl: No. Us: (we all started talking)... Hello? hello (udder confusion)... Girl: Hello? Me: Hello???!.. I'm from... Massachusetts. we pretended we had no idea what was going on... it was fun watching the girl try to figure it out.; Well. that's about it... Thanks for reading. hope this makes it. The Morgue WHQ is Ionic Destruction 215-722-4524 give it a call. Look for more Morgue texts by ’SCII Express [TMM/śegend/Morgue (hopefully) '93 And Beyond!!!] Disclaimer: The information above was for just that, your information only. In no way will Morgue, or me, be liable for anything that happens as a result of this file. yeah, whatever. Have fun. -AE-