Description of the Textfile
crowley.rit | 6236
| How To Summon Ye Daemon Aleister Crowley To Visible Appearance (A Rite For Father's Day) (July 13, 1992)
freeasoc.txt | 2614
| Leaflet: Freemasonry and Society published by by the Board of General Purposes of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1987
freemasn.txt | 12626
| What is Freemasonry? An Excerpt on the Reconstituted O.T.O.
freemin1.txt | 20094
| Freemasonry: Satan's Door to America? by J. Edward Decker
fremas02.txt | 13588
| A Pastor and Freemasonry: What's a Pastor to Do? by Harom R. Taylor
fremas03.txt | 11805
| Freemasonry: A Grand Chaplain Speaks Out (November 25, 1984)
fremas05.txt | 11351
| The F.A.T.A.L. Flaw (Freemasonry)
fremas06.txt | 24449
| Freemasons: The Secret Agenda of the Managers of History
fringe.asc | 260313
| Fringe Masonry in England by Bro. Ellic Howe (September 14, 1972)
frmsawol.txt | 8113
| Freemasonry as a Way of Life
highdegr.txt | 71145
| The Higher Degrees Handbook by J.S.M. Ward
lostkey.txt | 132818
| The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff by Manly P. Hall
m_m_hand.txt | 100724
| The MM's Book by J.S.M. Ward
mason_bi.txt | 9152
| Freemasonry: Some Basics and a Partial Bibliography
masonry.txt | 33186
| The Bank of Wisdom Presents the Origin of Freemasonry (Reprint of 1919 Pamphlet)
mystdegr.txt | 14678
| The Mystery Degrees: by Leslie M. Scott 33 Degree (August 1946)
newagm.txt | 109101
| Alpine Enterprises Catalog (August 5, 1993)
origmas1.txt | 8020
| The Origin of Masonry: From Operative to Speculative, by E. Cromwell Mensch
origmas2.txt | 8227
| The Origin of Masonry: The House Erected to God by E. Cromwell Mensch
origmas3.txt | 8438
| The Origin of Masonry: The Symbolism of the Father's House by E. Cromwell Mensch
origmas4.txt | 8642
| The Origin of Masonry: Mr. Gerizim and the Land of Moriah by E. Cromwell Mensch
origmas5.txt | 9005
| The Origin of Masonry: The Holy of Holies and the Resurrection by E. Cromwell Mensch
shldiask.txt | 8377
| A Public Booklet about Masonry: "Should I Ask?"