It was hard for me not to go completely over the top for the Commodore Amiga when I became aware of it in 1985. Here was a machine incredible graphics, stunning sound, amazing games, and a general sense that the thing could do most anything. I wasn't the only one; Amigas are still in use to this day for professional graphics work and video editing. But at the time, it just changed everything. Here's some files discussing the minutae of being a programmer on the Amiga.
Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
020_asm.txt | 33033 | Optimizations for the 68020+ by Erik H. Bakke |
881_asm.txt | 26353 | FPU Assembler Programming by Erik H. Bakke (October 13, 1993) |
a5000.txt | 5001 | The First Reports of the A-5000 |
acos.txt | 14553 | Computing Texture-Map Coordinates on a Ray Tracer |
adocengl.txt | 25991 | ADoc (Amiga Utility) documentation (1990) |
adsrules.txt | 22269 | Amiga Distribution System Information File (April 6, 1990) |
aflwhq.msb | 896 | TAG File for the MAIN SOURCE BBS |
amiga12 | 11132 | Review of the Commodore Amiga 1200 Computer |
amiga401 | 24545 | Review of the Amirga Computer 4000 |
amigabbs.txt | 534 | Tag File for the EDOX BBS |
amigmach.faq | 12837 | The AmigaMACH FAQ (January 1, 1993) |
amirisfa.txt | 20793 | RJ Mical's take on the Amiga Computer's Rise and Fall |
amylives.txt | 19864 | Commodore Lets Amiga Die Slow Death, by Phillip Robinson (San Jose) |
anews3.txt | 22688 | Amiga News III |
antialia.txt | 6595 | What is Anti-Aliasing? |
article | 28109 | Autorouting with the A* Algorithm |
bbs_ads.txt | 1469 | Tag File for the Sarcastic Existence BBS |
dox.nfo | 1337 | Tag File for the Hackers Heaven BBS |
errorcod.txt | 8822 | AmigaDOS Error Codes: An Explanation |
fastline.dis | 1498 | Tag Line for the Pastime BBS |
gurus.txt | 2300 | Figuring Out the Guru Meditations |
hard1200.txt | 13434 | No Secret Information Issue 1 (Decmber 24, 1992) |
iff.txt | 8891 | Intro to Amiga IFF/ILBM Files and Amiga Viewmodes by Carolyn Scheppner, Commodore Amiga Technical Support |
importan.nfo | 1522 | Tag file for the Shadow Gang BBS |
info_doc.txt | 1718 | TAG File for the Outloaws SHQ |
intro.txt | 23716 | Introduction to the Amiga Computer |
lha.tex | 487 | Tag file for the Skidrow HQ |
mainline.dis | 1305 | Tag file for the Sonic Mainline BBS |
mapamiga.txt | 414988 | Mapping the Amiga by Rhett Anderson and Randy Thompson |
noise.txt | 11777 | Noisetracker: An improvement over Soundtracker (August 1989) |
pro.txt | 58752 | Documentation for Protracker v2.2 (1992) |
protrack.ami | 4510 | Protracker 1.0C Module Format |
star.txt | 14212 | Startrekker 1.2 Documentation (November 19, 1990) |
suff_txt.dis | 1240 | Tagfile for Suffocation BBS |
tbrad_tx.dis | 626 | Tag file for The Boiler Room BBS |
techart2.txt | 3324 | Official Warning to ROM-Jumpers, Structure-Hackers and Others |
techart3.txt | 8065 | Attention Game Vendors: Stop Screwing with Disk Hardware |
techart4.txt | 2815 | The Official Way to Reboot an Amiga, by Bryce Nesbitt (1988) |
techart5.txt | 4726 | Disk Drives: What are YOU doing wrong? |
techart6.txt | 4540 | How to Waste Time on an Amiga |
terror.tag | 1851 | Tag file for the BONE BBS |
tslad_tx.dis | 851 | Tag File for the Silents War BBS |
tutorial.txt | 8444 | Some Recommendations for Doing a Game on the Amiga |
undrgnd.tag | 828 | Tag File for the Synchron City BBS |
vectors | 54066 | Vectors: How to Code Vectordemos by Asterix of Movement |
There are 45 files for a total of 937,307 bytes. |